I'm in the same situation as Troubled, although I haven't been to a weekly meeting in oh my, about 1 year now... but because of family & friends, still associate at assemblies, Memorial, etc. Anyhow... I continue to visit this site and participate to actually HELP me stay away. The things I'm learning here have stunned me, to say the least. But I can't quite bring myself to start informing my family who are 'in' ... kind of treading water at the moment. But... Thanks Simon and all... keep up all of your "good works". hee! : )
Posts by JBean
To All Active, Loyal JW's--Read this....
by ashitaka injust a question, why do you come here?
are you doubting, looking for answers that the gb couldn't?
what is it you're trying to accomplish by participating on this board?
first time post
by amazed injust nice to know that i'm not alone.
i'm truly amazed and had no idea unitil yesterday surfing on a whim i decided to confront my past.
it's a blessing for me and i feel another turning point in my life because now i have lots of people to talk to and i know now that i wasn't and i'm not going crazy and that it's not just me.
Let me add my welcome to the bunch! These folks who've been on this board much longer than I have are truly great! Relax, share and enjoy! Jbean
Since I'm on my soapbox today - Sex vs The WTS
by Leander ini'm still trying to make sense out of sex and the so called bibical view by the wts.
i guess to be fair to a certain extent the wts is only trying to follow the bible's view about sex, but i often wonder if maybe the current understanding is incorrect.. lets examine homosexuality for a moment.
for a long time i've always beleived what the society has taught in that homosexuality is wrong.
Hey Leander! You're back! I was wondering about a week ago how you were and if anyone had heard from you. Glad to see you posting again. (Sorry, this reply had absolutely nothing to do with the thread!) : )
I need advice
by AMarie inhey everybody:.
i am in desperate need of advice and i was wondering if any of you could help me out.
i'm in a bit of a pickle.. here's the story:.
Hey there AMarie... I feel for you and your "panicked" state. However, what I would do is as soon as you're able, start dropping hints of your own as to what you WOULD like for Xmas. If he brings up anything that hints of an engagement, tell him that you are still working through previous issues, etc. and you feel that you need a bit more time to even consider a lifetime committment with him or anyone. Then, I would start some serious soul-searching... if you feel you don't love this man as much as he loves you (meaning only that he's ready to commit and you truly cannot), I would suggest starting to look for other living arrangements. Living apart doesn't mean you can't see him ... and it may open up feelings in you that you really don't want to live without him. Keep in mind that if you are feeling various emotions (i.e., panic), your body is giving you a huge hint that you are not ready. Just because he's not "the one" right now, he may be "the one" down the road. Just a thought.
JW Pioneer Iwons $10,000
by MadApostate inhttp://www.iwon.com/home/winning/daily_winners/daily_winners_overview/0,2164,01_12_2000,00.html.
i wonder what kind of reaction this got her from her cong, whether she is still a pioneer, etc.?.
was this a blessing from jehovah?
Thanks for that complete link! Now it works! : ) This gal was from 2000... that's why I couldn't easily find it. by the way... I'm on iWon everyday hoping to get my share! If you all haven't checked it out yet... you should. As they say... "you gotta be in it to win it"... oh... well, that's lotto, but ya know what I mean.
JW Pioneer Iwons $10,000
by MadApostate inhttp://www.iwon.com/home/winning/daily_winners/daily_winners_overview/0,2164,01_12_2000,00.html.
i wonder what kind of reaction this got her from her cong, whether she is still a pioneer, etc.?.
was this a blessing from jehovah?
Which person was this? The link doesn't work for me!
Homeless JW's
by Trixie indid anyoe else have homeless people in their congregations?
cal, and come from a middle class neighborhood.
it's not like you would find homeless people hangin' around our kh.
No... can't say we had any homeless... but Kingdom Halls are a HOTBED for crazies of all types. In my many years of attending, we "collected" every nut in the neighborhood! (sorry for sounding so crass, but it's true!) A few individuals that stand out in my mind: the gal who dressed in layers... and I mean LAYERS upon LAYERS Of clothing in the middle of summer (like a bag lady.. but she HAD a home... go figure), and the guy who thought he was an indian chief and dressed accordingly... the brothers were afraid to comment on it because they realized he was a bit "off" and didn't know what he'd DO if they "spoke" to him. HA!
Another family lost (I'm feeling sick)
by Andee injust thought i would take a look over at wol.
then, i found this.. of course, all the responses were what fantastic news this was.. .
hdhslh .
I feel that this may be what "works" for this family at this particular point in their life. Unfortunately, it may take YEARS for them to feel the backlash... or maybe they will be one of the ones that really never feels they made a bad decision. As sick as this experience makes some feel, it does happen fairly often that people become interested and study. A close family member of mine is busybusybusy converting a young single-mom and her small daughter! I'm distressed about it... but what really could I say and still keep the peace?! I still can't believe that even nowadays... some studies are actually rejoicing that they cannot celebrated b-days, holidays, etc. anymore. Boggles my mind...
What is marking about?
by Missie Eff ini have a good freind here with me this evening.
(celtic, if you're around you know her - it's liane).
there is something that has always puzzled both of us.
Marking is definitely done in the US. It's usually done when someone does something that someone else doesn't like, but there is no real biblical reason for reproving or disfellowshipping. So they've come up with marking... exactly what you said: giving a "generic" talk from the platform but everyone knows EXACTLY what & who it's about. I found in my area that it's usually done to a younger, un-baptized publisher. They go to all lengths to keep the folks in line and afraid to have "bad" association. Usually it's the parents who make their children stop associating with the "marked" person.
Part 5. The Street Party.
by Englishman insadly, their own demise as family members was now only weeks away, and those other young sisters next door on the other side were looking a bit restless too............ .
within the next few weeks, becky was noticeable by her absence.
our house no linger shook to her madonna singles and the whole family at dub-house 1 seemed to become subdued.
Jackie is probably as happy as hell. I wonder if that Faye could say the same...