Welcome all newbies! I appreciate your tale Razor and also everyone else who has recently posted with their stories. It is really remarkable how much we all have in common. Razor... definitely find a way to go back to school... for a degree or even a certificate program. It will take time but it will be worth it. I, too, am 40 and was raised in the truth. I just registered for Spring semester at a local university... I'm going to do it no matter how long it takes! I forget who on this thread took 9 + years for his/her degree! Bravo! I'm following your footsteps! Jbean
Posts by JBean
hello all--new to board; my story
by razorMind inhello everyone...hope all are having a great holiday season.. ***warning--kind of long***.
i am 31 and have been "out" for an undetermined # of years...probably starting as soon as i moved out of the house at age 23. i just "drifted away".. i was born into the jw faith.
my parents remain devout and "zealous" to this day.
I dont remember the date I was baptized....
by flower inyou know how at every baptismal talk they say to the candidates that they should 'make a note of this date june, 4 whatever..ect'?
and everyone knows that date for like the rest of their life?
well i dont remember when i was baptized.
Thanks Lisa and TR... I'm quietly collecting all info that I can and keeping it for future reference : ) Happy New Year!
I dont remember the date I was baptized....
by flower inyou know how at every baptismal talk they say to the candidates that they should 'make a note of this date june, 4 whatever..ect'?
and everyone knows that date for like the rest of their life?
well i dont remember when i was baptized.
Welcome FLower! You'll surely find assistance and support on this board. I can't for the life of me remember the date of my baptism either (go figure!) : ) But I do know, that like you, I was approx. 18 years old... which puts the year at 1978. Now, here's the kicker: can anyone help with the year that they changed the 2 questions asked of candidates? 'Cos I think I was baptised before that... with God's holy spirit VERSUS "God's spirit directed organization". This could be important for many folks if they reach a point where they might be disfellowshipped... pledging to the org. vs. God might be an important point. Can anyone help? Jbean
Will this hurt?
by PollyAnnaBanana injust wanted to see if this works!
gotta hide out -- right now the judicial committee is after me!
and everybody i know and love is a witness.
Pollyannabanana... great name by the way! It makes me smile! I believe it will hurt for a little while... but realize that all things in time will pass. Keep coming back here... a lot. These folks are a wonderful bunch with lots to offer. Any many have been through hell and back. We're thinking of you... I know how scary the "committee action" can be from experience. But these are just men, fellow humans like yourself. They DO NOT speak for God. Keep focused on that and you'll come out just fine. Looking forward to hearing your story. Love & Peace... Jbean
JW Marraiges
by sweetone2377 inhow many here were married as jw's to jw's??
if so, what was your main purpose in getting married to this person?
i ask this because, i married my dh so that i could get to know him.
I also just remembered something: when I was 16 I wanted to "go out" with a boy in one of my classes. We like each other A LOT and I actually had the nerve : ) to ask my parents if we could go out to dinner or something one night. My folks sat me down and explained to me that I needed to find a brother in the "truth". Period. Obviously I didn't get to date this guy in school... but I remember telling one of the girls in my class that it was probably for the best and that I was very happy to have such a "brotherhood" to choose from... that if I had my pick of all the guys in the whole world, I would feel very unsafe and who knows what type of guy I might end up with!!! The guys in the truth were so righteous, loving and kind that I couldn't find a better "picking pool". HOW SICK WAS I?!?!?!? My personal experiences blow that theory right out of the water! And someone mentioned that they were free to marry out of love (or tell their kids to marry out of love)... how true. I don't think most of these witness kids know what love even is yet when they choose their mate! I know I didn't. The marriages that have lasted in or out of the organzation are truly blessed.
JW Marraiges
by sweetone2377 inhow many here were married as jw's to jw's??
if so, what was your main purpose in getting married to this person?
i ask this because, i married my dh so that i could get to know him.
Amen Paul! Folks like YoYo are so nasty because they are stifled and extremely angry and they don't even know it... Obviously this board welcomes all.. JW and non-JW, but if someone is here to try to slam those that have left or convert them back... they should be ashamed of themselves. They aren't even supposed to be here... so they're the hypocrites, not anyone else. I'd like to see what kind of reception they'd receive back at their KH if they stated to the congregation "... oh, when I was chatting on the apostate board..." Anyhow... back to the thread. I got married at 18 to a fellow JW during a year that EVERY 17 - 20 year old in our hall got married. Throughout the years, EVERY SINGLE COUPLE (including myself) got divorced. That is a sad thing because there were some really nice young people that became emotionally wrecked 'cos of this. I also believe that they all had numerous children from these marriages...here I did not follow suit. I still don't have kids... yet! : ) Jbean
Newbie alert !!! Just wanted to say hello...
by sadiejive ini came here by chance...looking for none other than jw material:) i am currently studying with jw's and attend the kh but am not baptized, as are none of the members of my fam...yet.
i've been studying for almost 4 years with the witnesses.
i am confused...that's the simplest way of putting it.
Welcome to posting, David! Your story (of which I hope we hear more of) as well as Sadie's touched my heart. You are very lucky however, to have your immediate family "out" along with you. I'm still hoping... see you soon! Jbean
Newbie alert !!! Just wanted to say hello...
by sadiejive ini came here by chance...looking for none other than jw material:) i am currently studying with jw's and attend the kh but am not baptized, as are none of the members of my fam...yet.
i've been studying for almost 4 years with the witnesses.
i am confused...that's the simplest way of putting it.
Well... YoYo sounds pretty mellow today, however, I just want to point out that it's not JUST JW's that have the privilege of relying on Jehovah. That, if I'm not mistaken, is open to all humankind. No specifics as to what you call yourself (and what actions are demanded that you twist yourself into a pretzel to adhere to... ahem) are needed to rely on God and Christ.
by sweetone2377 inok, we broke the news to my grandparents today.
my grandfather is in agreement with me and dh.
my grandmother said "well, just don't bring them down here anymore" how mature is that?
Shelly... I'm glad to see you're keeping a positive attitude (laughter always helps!) : ) I say tell your mom... while the ball is rolling. If you pass up this opportunity you may never get up the guts to do it again. Peace... Jbean
Holiday Advice
by Kay Francis ini'm new to this forum and badly in need of advice.
my husband and i left the organization over four years ago, but unfortunately have left many family members behind.
in fact, my mother is still an active jw but pretty much follows her own agenda.
Your welcome Kay! You have a wonderful holiday yourself and a safe New Years! Please check back with us often!