I hear what you're saying... my boyfriend and I were having this discussion just yesterday. I said it feels "weird" not to go to the Hall and so I was kind of "yearning" for some formality. He said that I should just give it more time and then if I still feel the need to "gather together" I can look into it then. It does take TIME to get out of the JW mindset. You might trying contacting a Universalist church. I believe that is where they allow you to worship in a very liberal manner, but they still have bible readings, etc. You can look up info on this movement at www.beliefnet.com. Good luck!
Posts by JBean
watching the wathers-4 SIIMON
by MOTD inplease view sixofnines comments on yoyo's thread .
'have a nice weekend'.
good luck, you poor fucking idiot.
Oh. OK. But when you get to know Fred you will love him like the rest of us.
watching the wathers-4 SIIMON
by MOTD inplease view sixofnines comments on yoyo's thread .
'have a nice weekend'.
good luck, you poor fucking idiot.
Point taken. Hey, but are you NYtel? And where's Freddy today :)
watching the wathers-4 SIIMON
by MOTD inplease view sixofnines comments on yoyo's thread .
'have a nice weekend'.
good luck, you poor fucking idiot.
MOTD: Oh, and one other thing...if you're going to quote, then quote the ENTIRE thing. Are you a Jdub? If so, then I can understand your taking things out of context is normal... anyway. I usually don't respond to posts like this... but just to clarify for everyone... the last line of that post was "this is written out of frustration and love". Got that everyone???
watching the wathers-4 SIIMON
by MOTD inplease view sixofnines comments on yoyo's thread .
'have a nice weekend'.
good luck, you poor fucking idiot.
Oh relax! Everyone's allowed an outburst now and then (esp. if they apologize for it at the end... : )
Alternatives to JWs
by Xander insince there are new people coming to this board on fairly regular basis with questions about the jw religion, i thought i'd pose this topic.. many, upon leaving the organization, don't really know where to turn for guidance.
"look to yourself" doesn't really cut it when you've been told how to think your whole life.. many choose atheism, which is fine.
however, for those still looking for a religion, here is a site that lists many of the worlds major religious movements.
BE AFRAID, WT could predict the future
by apostate man ini just had a scary thought.
the wt could predict something, and because of the size of their organization, actually make it come true.
lets say they had "new light" and every jw would be taken to heaven on a certain date.
Yeah... kind of scary. Reminds me of a thread a while back where a poster said something like, "what would happen if the Society told every JW that the time had come to kill all non-JW's... how many of them would do it, even if they didn't want to, out of loyalty to the Organization???" Not something sweet dreams are made of.
Alternatives to JWs
by Xander insince there are new people coming to this board on fairly regular basis with questions about the jw religion, i thought i'd pose this topic.. many, upon leaving the organization, don't really know where to turn for guidance.
"look to yourself" doesn't really cut it when you've been told how to think your whole life.. many choose atheism, which is fine.
however, for those still looking for a religion, here is a site that lists many of the worlds major religious movements.
Thanks Xander... you are toooo funny! I do need to retake this... I could not possibly be a Mormon... I love my coffee and my cocktails too much! : )
Do you think I'll be DF'd now?
by meat pie inabout three weeks ago i told a friend about the un thing, no-one else, i had known for months but didn't tell her till she brought up a similar subject.
i gave her a printout from a guardian article, i have only had a short terse text message since.
i know she has a lot more to lose than i did, and i stopped going to meetings last year.
I don't believe you could be DF'd for showing someone what is public knowledge, at this point. And the Guardian article and also the postings directly off the the UN's website cannot be used against you. However, if they DO get you into a "meeting"... I'd bet that they ask you the million dollar question: "Do you believe this is GOd's organization and the the GOverning Body is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?" It's up to you how you might want to answer that. Other's on this board are MUCH more knowledgeable than me as far as how to handle the situation. (Avoiding them is always a good thing... ) : )
For those who've left - any regrets?
by starfish422 ini left almost nine years ago at age 18; my only real regret was that i was good friends with a young brother and i never said goodbye to him, or even let him know that i was planning to leave (had to leave my parents' home secretly while they were at the meeting one sunday; they had such a hold over me that i could never have stood up to them and told them beforehand).
i have no other regrets about leaving; i'm am now happily agnostic and so thankful that i found the strength to break free.. anyone have any similar regrets?
I haven't left yet, so I obviously don't have regrets yet on that front. But for those of you who lost family/were disowned, etc.... that is exactly what is holding me up!!! I am soooo petrified of losing my mom, dad and brother. Having them look at me like I'm a pariah... I just don't know how y'all lived through this... Anyhow... I'm still working on it. Wait... I do have one regret... that my folks actually converted to this when THEY were kids. (Big sigh...)