Hi BC....
Oh great stuff. This looks good!!! I'm really into the ancient mysteries and all that....I'll just comment quickly so you don't think I've ignored anything, but...
WE ahhh contrair, not I ! I've recently been viewing these tapes and have completely changed my views of the Bible and God. Some of the things discussed are:
I can totally understand that, but I have my reference points as well.
Examine the Bible's astrological and Hindu references.
Well, per the Bible, which assigns the identity of the church to the "moon", the angels to "stars" and the "son" to the Sun, it's a matter of thinking this was originally the case and the Bible's reference is simply parallel to that of the pagans or there was borrowing. But the option is there. The Garden of Eden was a "pattern" of what was in Heaven. "Let us make man in our image, male and female..." was a reference to the two covering cherubs, Michael and the angel who became Satan who is called "woman" at Genesis 3:15 thus Jesus/Michael's wife. Further, the man Adam represented Michael as did the Tree of Life, whereas the woman/Satan was represented by Eve and the Tree of Knowledge. Thus you have tree goddesses giving "milk" knowledge to it's followers, a key issue for the mother goddesses and attaining deification, etc. A long discussion, but very much a part of Eden and thus would have been passed on by Noah as a central conceptual idea of what happened. Further, as noted, the woman, who is beautiful but whose light comes fromt he sun is the woman, and Jesus the sun.
So my argument would be that Jesus is not a copy of Mithras but visa versa. Jesus/Michael was already the original "sun god"--the others are cheap imitations or competitive substitutes. But we agree that the "similarities" are more than that, that they are referencing the same things. I don't think it's a coincidence either.
"End of the World ie; End of the Ages, from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius in the Zodiac, see how the Bible is nothing more than a Hebrew reference to the Zodiac.
Sorry, the end of Satan's world, a new paradise earth and a savior that brings back dying mankind, plus two gods fighting one another, good vs evil, is an Edenic theme. In that case it would have come down through Noah and thus the Jews needn't have borrowed it from the pagans, they would have gotten it from Noah. Thus the Jews and the pagans have each their own version of the Noachin folklore of Eden, etc. It doesn't necessarily have to be a borrowing from some other culture....
Discover the stellar god (from the stars) the lunar god (from the moon) and the god El (from Saturn) and how they have influenced various religions.
No problem. These physical things were meant to represent heavenly things. 12 is a celestial number, the 12 tribes of Israel simply fell into place with the cosmos. It was appropriate that when Jesus came to the earth, cosmologically connected with the sun that Mary's annuncition, the conception of Jesus was at the time of the winter solstice, the birth of the sun. Likewise, the spring Passover Festival (when the Messiah dies) and the fall "Festival of Booths" (when the Messiah arrives) overlap the seasonal equinoxes. In fact, Jesus' own circumcision on the 8th day of the festival in 2BC falls on the equninox; so coordination with the heavenly bodies is definitely part of the Biblical story. Plus it's ongoing. That is, some interesting astral phenomenon still occurs on Biblically significant years and dates.
Uncanny similarities between the Virgin births of Krishna, Mithra, Indra, Prometheus and Jesus.
Not uncanny, the SAME reference. If Noah communicated to his family the story about Eden, the evil angel Satan and the war between Satan and Michael that was coming (good vs evil) and how this king would come to the earth and die and as a result of his death, at the hands of Satan no less (bruising him in the heel) then dying mankind would be restored, then you have the foundation for several mysteries mythologies right there. It's the SAME story...but it came from Noah originally. Jesus was the original sun god, Mithras is a pagan counterpart. Jesus only came to the earth to be human in 2BCE, but he was a god in heaven before the earth was created.
Underlying astroligical symbolism behind our religious and governmental institutions, such as the two fish of Christianity representing the Age of Pices.
What secrets and mysticisms some people take advantage of is not surprising. To connect any secretive or grand scheme to the universe or some ancient prophecy would be the least one would think of doing.
How sun worship of the pagans was transformed into "Son" worship of today's Christians and.....and this is the good part........the far-reaching impact Freemasons have had throughout history on our society and our belief systems. As well as the origins of the Freemasons and learn to decode occult symbols in order to gain a greater understanding of their influence on world finance.
Well you make a good point here. Christianity did borrow a lot from paganism but the Catholic Church's worship the "Son" in the trinity God and the worship of the "Madonna and son" or the "woman and her seed" (the original Satan) in the form of the beautiful Mary who is now a goddess and clearly borrowed from the Mother Goddesses of paganism, is how paganism has corrupted the original church and that was PROPHESIED that the "mystery" of this apostasy would take over and true church. But there is a difference between the Biblical references of Jesus as that of the Catholic Church with all it's pagan holidays including celebrating Christmas and all that. But you can't attach what paganized Christianity does with what the Bible outlines--there is a difference.
Here are the tapes I'm refering to:
Thanks. My estimation is that we are going to see an ABUNDANCE of information about the Freemasons in the near future because "Babylon the Great" who rides the back of the "scarlet-colored wild beast" (the UN) has to be destroyed by the UN soon (well, eventually). I figure the best and probably only way they can do that, which also involves confiscating all their money, is to criminalize the Freemasons and the Illuminati. Things the UN allowed and tolerated will not go over as well anymore. Part of the burning her with fire means exposing all her evils and once criminalized, even if it's just drug trafficking, the UN can "legally" confiscate all their vast financial holdings and the world won't blink. But they have to properly pre-propagandize the public about the Illuminati and the Freemasons so that they will be exposed and seen as criminals so that when the UN moves on them they can be legally effective. Otherwise, what they do in the closet would just stay there. So when I see more "informed" persons learning about the Freemasonry influence it just confirms for me that the UN has already planned on a sting operation against the Illuminati and the money industrialists controlled by Jewish-led Freemasonry.
This must happen...and it is happening. The more you see in the open public about the Freemasons from now on, therefore, the closer we are to Armageddon.
But here's something that's interesting. There is going to be a huge COUP by the UN and in the process of destroying Babylon the Great, which might be connected integrally to the so-called "industrial war machine", the three leading powers, Japan (Lion), Russia (the Bear) and the US and allies (Leopard) will surrender their soverienty to the UN!!
Now who would believe that? We know the UN is acting as it's own authority right now, but will the US ever give its power up along with RUSSIA and JAPAN? Not under these circumstances. BUT, if there is a planned COUP, say by the CIA who might be influenced by the Freemasons let's speculate, then the UN army might be the only army that could stop it. Or if there is some international market crash of some sort thought to be institated by the Illuminati in their bid to rule the world, then the US might not have any choice but to surrender sovereignty to the UN in order to stabilize the world economy and dethrone the monetary position of the Illuminati right now.
But you can't do this overnight. It has to be planned and orchestrated and the appropriate propaganda sent out first. So when you start seeing the propaganda and Freemasonry becomes a household word, then it's almost assured it's a movement to confiscate the funds of the money industrials but they need to expose their sins first.
At any rate, the UN is already in place as a governing body with its own army, all it's needs is an international money crisis to get full control over the world.
Per the Bible, this control would be in place for only one year and 3 months though, before one could expect the millennium to begin...that's all the time the Bible gives the superpowers after Babylon the Great (the fourth beast) falls! So it's kinda chilling to encounter Freemasonry "esposes" like this as often as I have been. It's the beginning of the real END!
Thanks, again, for the references!!! Guess I've got my reading cut out for me.
I'm glad I'm an inconspicuous unknown!!! Things are about to get ugly!!!
Thanks, again!