Some really good thoughts here. find it hard to let it go sometimes. I moved away when I left the borg. When the family doesnt see you too often they seem more friendly to me.
i am over 30 and have been out of the "organization" for almost 14 years now.
my father is an elder who's main concern is kissing up to the c.o.
so he can move up the ranks and be important.
Some really good thoughts here. find it hard to let it go sometimes. I moved away when I left the borg. When the family doesnt see you too often they seem more friendly to me.
i have always suspected that chiropractic is a total crock.
the concept that having your backbone crackled a little bit every month will control your blood pressure, cure your asthma and keep you mobile and flu-free until you're 120 seems farfetched, and yet all my life every time i have had a headache i have been inclined to set up an appointment.. i've really only been in serious pain three times; some bad neck pain which cleared up after a depressing relationship, some lumbar pain from a bad lift incident which cleared up after three weeks of wiggling around on a fitball while i was watching tv in the evening, and some weird shoulder pain which cleared up when i rejoined a gym.
i have wasted a lot of money for many years - chiropractic just wasn't there for me.
I know this is a blast from the past, I believe that massage therapy has a lot more going for it than chiropractic. Tension is likely to make a problem joint hurt more and loosening up the muscles and relaxing will help all around. Pain is less and you heal faster.
Insurance won't cover it unless the MD prescribes it (here in the US.)
If you are strapped for cash and or don't like the idea (think sleazy). Go to a massage therapy school and get a supervised massage. They get a grade for it and will do a good job. Ask for recomendations at clinics or at the athletic club. The community college here has a year long program and the state has a certificate program.
this material is so important that i felt compelled to recommend it even though it costs a few dollars.
while you're reading what this sick child was put through at the hands of ignorant religious zealots, i think you will feel the emotional pain and anger i did.
how in the world can the witnesses in this child's world believe that they have love for others, when by their actions, they demonstrated that they don't.
I have a sister (a JW) who had problem pregnancies and she is a big proponant of breast feeding. I am sure there must lots more info here about the amount of white blood cells in breast milk. White cells are prohibited still I think. I did find a link
It says how the breast milk has millions of living white blood cells and was thinking of sending the info to her plus any others you might know of that might help her think straight on the matter. What kind of convoluted information the society has that even lets them breast feed because of that issue? I know this is off topic somewhat but thought I might get a quicker answer here.
been listening for quite a while to the many conversations found here on this forum.
i'm a good listener as my friends will tell you.. i am a born in jw, inactive for at least 2 years now.
i originally joined this forum to find out what my husband was "up to".
Welcome Applehippie! Love your avitar.
If you're like me, you will get answers to questions you never really knew how to formulate.. The search option is pretty good, and if you can get into the "Best Of" section a lot of your answers are there. (Its pretty glitchy) Simon says it will be better in the new forum.
my sister lost her battle with breast cancer last week. her funeral was today.
i had just been dismissed from the hospital the day before and she was admitted to icu the next day.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family..
A thought on the smoking thing, my husband finally quit after smoking since he was 15, we kept all the healthy things he loved in the fridge. Carrots, tangarines etc. so he could grab something good for him instead of giving in to the cravings. He was 65 when he finally did it. 6 years ago. He tried so many times. I know you will do it too!
does anybody here do any volunteer work?
i mean real volunteer work.
not the jw "knock on doors and annoy people" kind of volunteer work.
I belong to a group that makes quilts that are donated to kids in crisis. Some go to kids in hospitals, homeless kids. When a crack house is closed, they aren't allowed to take anything out including bedding and clothes. Everything is considered contaminated. Till the kids get to social services They will probably be wrapped in one of our quilts or a policemans jacket. It feels so good to be making a difference.
several years ago, before my wife and i left, my 5 yr old daughter got up during the watchtower to cross the aisle to sit with someone else.
she tripped on the roving microphone wire and smashed her head on the foot of a metal chair.
the bleeding was profuse and an ambulance was called.
This has been a fascinating read for me, I left right after high school (mid 60's) No mikes or cords to those not on the stage.... The last time I was in a Hall was for a funeral. I do belong to a church these days and know they are pro-active about injury and carry insurance for such. Cost of "doing business" Laws require it.
If those in charge had shown concern and made an effort to keep things clear afterwards I doubt that any suit would have been considered. When I worked in a hospital we couldn't store wheelchairs at the end of a hall or outside a room. Fire code inspections are regular (at least annual) and we were all required to be aware of violations.
"paranormal activity", "the ninth gate", "the orphanage", "1408", and "the others" are a few i like to get the ball rolling..
"The Dresden Files" book series by Jim Butcher has about 10 books. I'm reading the last one, Changes right now. Love them.
I really liked the Sixed Sense too. Ghost. If I'm watching a movie the creep factor better be matched by a great plot.
well folks, got back from my trip to see russell's grave site.
it was quite a interesting experience and sobering to see the pyramid right by his tombstone.
i'm kind of tired and will be hitting the sack soon but i wanted to post a few pictures.
Night shots show contrast and shading of the carving better....
i have been lurking on this site and others for a couple of years now, and i feel it is time to step out and say "hello!
" when i first began investigating my beliefs, it was innocent enough.
i had been reading an article on scientology, thinking; "wow, these people are just plain nuts!!!
No idea how old the kids are, that said; please let them know there is no urgency to get baptized. God will be ready whenever they are. Jesus was 30 after all. Who can be a greater example for their commitment.