JoinedTopics Started by jed459
God is a person
by jed459 inthe "beginning" at john 1:1 is not the beginning of the word, but it is reference to where the story starts in the book of john.
the word comes from the mind of god (the father) by the breath (the holy spirit).
god has a mind = the father .
Are Muslims backed by the Christian God?
by TheRedPill ini was reading in the book of a genesis today and came across an interesting set of scriptures, genesis 21:17-21. it talks about how after abraham sent hagar and ishmael from her house, hagar wandered about in the wilderness and finally, after running out of water, sat down with her baby ishmael and prepared to die.
gods angel then appeared to hagar and told her to rise up, and that ishmael would be the father to a great nation.
he then led her to water and hagar and ishmael and she lived a prosperous life in the wilderness of paran.
Why I left them
by jed459 inyes, i was a jw.
i was brought up with the c of e, not that this means much of itself.
i was a misfit at school and felt i did not belong and wondered about the meaning of life.
Is there Religion after the Watchtower
by clash_city_rockers infor those wha have left jehovahs witnesses is there religion after you leave the watch tower?
this is just a survey i would like to hear people share pesonal experiences on the matter.. 1. do you still believe in a god.
2. have you joined another religion.
Can you offer some advice?
by Eyebrow inmy inlaws gave us a really awesome digital video/still camera for xmas.
(it was early) .
anyone out there have any experience with digital video editing software?
The idenity of God
by jed459 inis a word equal to the breath?
is the breath equal to the mind?
these are not equal as jesus plainly said, and god is not the nicene trinity but they took the truth and mixed in a pagan corruption of it.
Reasoning on reasons for disfellowshiping
by jed459 inthe only valid scriptual reason for disfellowshipping is if someone has committed a serious sin like having sex with his father's wife as paul said and is unrepentant.. or if someone has denied the faith and are deliberately teaching others against the true gospel to mislead them.
so unless jws really do have the true faith, they cannot scriptually disfellowship anyone unless they are unrepentant over a sin which is as serious as paul said.
yet in most cases the disfellowshiped person has not commited such a sin as that.
Article on Soul by former Gilead graduate
by CatholicGuy ina rather interesting article on the issue of "soul" and "eternal punishment" by a former bethelite/gilead graduate.
you will need adobe acrobat reader to read the file..
not my webpage but a favorite:.