But, the solution is that Christ and his angels are charged with removing all things that cause stumbling and all persons doing lawlessness. That indicates that we need a super human solution to the evils afflicting us.
SunshineToo, I'm familiar with the reasons you left the WTS. You ARE NOT an apostate in the sense that YOU KNOW refers to apostates; You DO NOT "use" the child abuse issue because you have any ulterior motives or for your own PERSONAL AGENDA. IT IS YOU KNOW Who needs the mercy of God. As well as people like him who knowingly continue to support an organization that has brought shame to God's name by its actions.
the Silentlambs are being exploited by apostates to further their ends
"YOU KNOW" uses the term apostate to refer to anyone who has left the WTS and uses the faults and crimes commited by the WTS for some "agenda." That's fine, Bobby is entitled to his OPINION.
I'm going to teach you something you don't know---without my head covered--- mr. YOU "KNOW": I have NO agenda, I am sick and disgusted by all the lies of the WTS which you so blindly support. I have been stumbled or however the Bible clearly explains it. I will never go back to affiliating myself with the WTS because there is NO HOLY SPIRIT THERE.
The other side of the coin is that the Watchtower has a lot to answer for, and the way child abuse has been handled is only a very small part of what ails the Watchtower Society. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I fully expect and anticipate Jehovah's judgment to lay the Watchtower low.
Yes, you have that much right, the Watchtower and anyone who defends their wicked policies and "image is more important than children" agenda WILL BE LAID LOW.
Then each Witness will have to come to terms with the real issue, and not the phony ones presented before us by the Devil. The real issue will be whether we have faith in Jehovah God even when everything seems to be going wrong, when what we have been taught about the future appears to be all wrong.
AGAIN, this is what I've always believed, WE are each accountable to God, regardless of which organization we are associated with. I could sign up with the UN tomorrow and use the excuse that I only need to do so to get access to their library, God will not destroy me. Further, since Satan is father of the lie and if by YOUR OWN admission "what we have taught about the future appears to be all wrong" then I choose not to support the WTS lies.
That's when we will have to step up and provide an answer to Christ's somewhat disturbing question that he posed, saying: "When the Son of man arrives, will he really find the faith on the earth ?" I don't think the Watchtower is going to be there to offer much encouragment to the faithful to help them through, and I am sure Bill Bowen won't be anywhere to be found when Jehovah drops the hammer. / You Know
BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WRONG! You are now putting yourself in the place of God. Has your claim to be "anointed" mislead you into the sin of haughtiness so that you are now "qualified" to JUDGE? Be careful with yourself! You are walking on the edge of the cliff of BLASPHEMY.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 7 August 2002 22:21:47