You are insane if you marry this girl.
That is all.
i met this amazing girl about 6years ago at my local congregation.
i was 100% in back then.
about 3years ago i woke up spiritually and kept it undercover till a few months ago.. this girl is still very in (but she doesnt really do the things a reaaal jw should do.
You are insane if you marry this girl.
That is all.
jesus was a jew who apparently thought he was the messiah, however, after dying, his disciples began to propagate the lie that he would return from heaven during his generation.
but, his generation passed away, and it was clear that it was a false prophecy, then a dishonest christian wrote the second letter of peter so as to condemn those who realised that the prophecy was a fiasco.
interestingly, and sadly, this religion survived,....why????
Agree with Brokeback, just another religious tale that allows people to hold out hope that this ain't all there is.
While I do feel that this is all there is, there isn't a way to prove it, thus there will always be "believers" walking the earth in some form or another.
i am currently having a study with a pioneer couple to try to reactivate me and get me back into the congregation.
they have asked me to really think about the provision of the ransom sacrifice.
in doing so i have gone back to basics and have already hit a few questions i am thinking of raising.
Here is a little thing to spring on them if you want to have a little fun...
Imagine Adam and Eve had remained perfect, had 30 children who all grew up, and then one of those children "sinned". Maybe they decided to grab a little of the forbidden fruit, or broke some other rule. So is that child executed? Or allowed to reproduce and create little "defective souls" who now start running around the earth?
Its the same problem that will exist in the supposed "paradise". Once everyone gets sick of endless fruit platters and petting panda bears, they are gonna start breaking the rules of paradise. What then? Executions every day at sundown for the sinners? Some paradise.
They might try to fight you with the "we will be perfect" card. Yet Adam and Eve were perfect right? Perfection and free will are incompatible. You can only have one or the other. Eventually "perfect" beings will break the rules, unless they are simply robots programmed without free will.
JWs never think this through to the logical conclusion.
Did he get scared away???
I hope he doesn't get sucked into the cult!
if a brother is starting to look at material on the internet and starts to have serious doubts about the jw organisation and questions the integrity of the governing body.
what steps would be taken to by the congregation to readjust his thinking.
and also if the congregation is not aware of this but he has confided in an individual how would that individual try to help such a brother?.
Help? Good one.
Ok taking your scenario at face value, and giving the BOE credit for not being a bunch of douche bags here is what they would do.
"Stop reading stuff online"
"Have a bible study with a spiritual pillar"
"Get your ass inline or GTFO"
That would be the extent of the "help" they would give.
so, my ex-wife, which if you remember me fought hard together with the jw's to (unsuccessfully) wrest control over our child.
we're now 3y later, my legal rights have been affirmed a few times in court.
a few months ago, my ex asked me if i was okay with her having someone else in her life.
I'll join ya, this should be good!
what is god's kingdom?
some say it is in your heart.
some say it is heaven.
God's Kingdom signed up to pioneer this month obviously, counting a little time on an apostate website, eh?
Don't you know there are five full weekends in May? What a fine opportunity to auxiliary pioneer in your own territory, without risking your spiritual life on Satan's forum...
did the resurrection start in 1918/1919 or the first century?.
the wt teaches that the anointed started getting resurrected sometime around 1918/1919.
before that everyone was asleep in the grave, including all the apostles.
why disfellowshipping is a loving provision.
may 15, 2105 watchtower, pp.
I think the illustration is sort of a "scarlett letter" type of branding.
Absolutely disgusting.
i am sure that the gb does not care about the r&f jw.
it does not care about the organization collapsing overnight.. why do i say this?.
in 2013 the organization declared that the "faithful and discreet slave" consisted only of the seven member of the gb.
Fair enough Driving Force. My apologies coming on harshly there.
I'd estimate they maybe have 40,000 physical buildings. Estimating the market value per property is where its a crapshoot. They generally build in bad locations simply for cheaper land. Of course the X factor is how many congos are in 1st world countries vs the rest of the world.
That being said, that property is not liquid. Sure they can sell off based on orders from the CO and build in another area for whatever reason they pull out of their ass. But the GB isn't cash motivated, they are power hungry. As long as they have millions worshipping their every word they just need to keep the ship afloat til they die.