Thanks to all of you. This has truly been hard for me. Nugget, what you wrote is perfect and with your permission, will use it. I seriously doubt that he will respond, but I am able to accept that. Again thanks.
i'm 42 and was a born-in although i have never been baptized.
as a teenager i had a lot of problems and eventually ran away several times.
at the age off eightteen i confronted my dad about an extra marital affair he was having.
Thanks to all of you. This has truly been hard for me. Nugget, what you wrote is perfect and with your permission, will use it. I seriously doubt that he will respond, but I am able to accept that. Again thanks.
i'm 42 and was a born-in although i have never been baptized.
as a teenager i had a lot of problems and eventually ran away several times.
at the age off eightteen i confronted my dad about an extra marital affair he was having.
Thanks Nugget. I was thinking of a letter too
i'm 42 and was a born-in although i have never been baptized.
as a teenager i had a lot of problems and eventually ran away several times.
at the age off eightteen i confronted my dad about an extra marital affair he was having.
Hi everyone, I am in need of some help. I'm 42 and was a born-in although I have never been baptized. As a teenager I had a lot of problems and eventually ran away several times. At the age off eightteen I confronted my dad about an extra marital affair he was having. Needless to say soon thereafter I was "asked to leave". I was sent to Job Corps where I met my future husband. I did become pregnant at the age of nineteen. When my parents found out they were livid, to say the least. During my preganacy my mother revealed to me that my dad was not my biological father and that my being pregnant hurt him because "he took me in and took care of me when he didn't too!" WTH?! Well this was all she or he would say about the matter, no matter how many times I asked them to elaborate. Well, in 2005, by way of some JW relatives attending a funeral out of state, it was revealed who my bio dad was. His children contacted me. I again tried to talk to my parents about the matter and they refused; to the point that my mom asked me not to call her home anymore because I was upsetting her husband. I should also say that our relationship has been very rough due to mistakes I made as a teen and also one HUGE mistake as an adult. My mom passed away in 2006 and ever since I have tried to repair the relationship with my dad. He has some issue with me that he doesn't express what it is. I'm pretty sure that its because i'm not a JW. I need to know how and what to say, as tactfully as possible, to him so that I can find out what the issue is. He is an elder. I guess I really just want him to just say he doesn't want to talk to me. Yet that would mean that he would not be able to accept the help I give him, like helping him around the house and such. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.
bill underwood is a phoenix signs of the times examiner staff writer and a jw as well.
his editorials always toe the wt party line, heres the latest on education:. .
MLM? REALLY?! Wow...
i've noticed my husband (w/the backing of the brothers) trying his best to 'catch me' or imply inproper dealings or what whatever with the opposite sex.
we had a big blow up where it resulted in his being terribly cursed out and demeaned (by me, of course and i hate doing that but it is the only way to keep him at bey).
i hate when he tries to incriminate me when it comes to a simple acquaintance or phone call.
@ Scully, here's $5 and I raise you $50
@It's crap&theyknowit: I agree with Scully, get a separation and make his ass leave. The stress you encounter on a daily basis is not worth it. Peace of mind is priceless
i just remembered something from long ago..... i moved to california in 1974 after i had been in "the truth" for 11 years, having full-time pioneered and also having served time in federal prison over the so-called christian neutrality issue.. i felt completely confident that my bible education was the best on planet earth.
i had honed my skills by door to door preaching, discussion, arguments and attendance at the theocratic ministry school.. i began working as an artist in a huge company that manufactured all kinds of art, sculpture and wall hanging.
the head of the artists was a wonderful young man, skilled artist and devout christian who took me under his wing.
I was just talking to a friend about this yesterday. I know JW's who think they know their Bible. The magazines and books are not well written. I have taken a couple courses on religion this last year and learned more than when I have attended the meetings.
it was a beautiful, sunny day.
i was in the supermarket doing an early morning shop when i see an old friend of the family, a jw sister.. she asked me if i'd gone to the memorial and i told her no.
she said that the end is so close what with all the earthquakes and brother truthseeker, you need to come back to jehovah otherwise you will die and so will your children.
I have heard this from my own mother, when she was alive. Her and I already had a strained relationship due to my no good elder father. I one day decided to call her just to say hi. She starts in on me about coming back to the hall, to what I was raised in. I was never baptized but I knew the truth. She then tells me that she didnt want to get to know my children for fear she'd have to watch them die in Armageddon....Yea mom, hi to you too.
i need to do a keyword search and i can't find a searchable version on line.
i suppose i could download it all from their website, but they don't have the whole thing all in one file.
i'm hoping one of you guys has a pdf or something you could email me.
It is avaiable as an Android App
although i was raised a jw, i have never understood why they celebrated the memorial on a different day than easter.
can someone explain?.
So the JW's are correct in celebrating it on the days that they do?
although i was raised a jw, i have never understood why they celebrated the memorial on a different day than easter.
can someone explain?.
Although I was raised a JW, I have never understood why they celebrated the Memorial on a different day than Easter. Can someone explain?