Hi Sixer,
The elders paid a visit to my house the day after Thanksgiving as part of their effort to spread a little holiday cheer.
This is my take on it. Being DF'd or DA'd complicates your efforts to help your relatives and friends still in the Borg. Avoid it at all cost. I admit it does feel good to vent some steam at elders, but do you really think it will change ANYTHING? They have an agenda given to them by Brooklyn. They will follow it to the letter.
All you can do is plant some seeds of truth.
I like these words of Jesus, "Be cautious as serpents." To me it is a game of strategy. You are still working on liberating family from the Watchtower. Why complicate that with a disfellowshipping? Sure, venting feels good for a little while, but what is the result?
Will your JW family begin shunning cutting any more opportunities for you to share the information you have? My take is as self-affirming as it is, avoid it.
I wish like hell I had never DA'd, even though it was under pressure.
Ex-wife kept turning me in. I am cut off from direct contact with my mother and brother who are still JWs now and cannot help them now.
When the elders came to my house a few weeks ago, I treated them like welcome guests. They even commented, "We can tell you are a good person with a good heart." (Hey, pretty impressive since I'm a known "apostate" to them.) Our conversation lasted almost an hour and a half, and I felt that gave me time to:
1. Establish a friendly rapport with them.
2. Tell my entire story of why I left
3. Share information that would help them see the lies of the Society
When they left, I felt sorry for them. It felt good not to be angry, and to have had the presence of mind to carefully lead the conversation right where I wanted to share the information I wanted. I hope I helped them, and it was almost therapeutic for me.
If they try to take action now and inform you of that, I would threaten to sue them in no uncertain terms. Tell them you will sue them personally as well as their congregation. Be matter of fact but firm about it
My two sense, Mark. Great to have met you the other night.
"The truth will set you free--but first it will make you damn mad."
M. Scott Peck - "The Different Drum"