do we think the money might end up in some off shore investments for certain GB members to retire on?
Posts by spawn
Article in NY Post about Brooklyn property sale
by Mickey mouse in
How would you describe your Congregation
by Truthexplorer ini would describe my congregation on the whole as quite wooden ad robotic.
though there are some genuine sincere and loving brothers/sisters, there is overall something missing in my hall.
i dont feel incited to love and fine works by the brothers.. i find the boe as a whole - to be quite distant.
the cong I used to attend can be described as Dull, Boring, Full of Old People, Loveless, Sad, Devoid of Personality and Back stabbers. I could go on all day but Im getting depressed thinking about them.
Do you suppose NastiCanasta is a 'mole' from "Watchtower" Facebook Group?
by ziddina in(sure hope this is the correct place for this topic).
i was reading nasticanasta's comments on a couple of threads, and it occurred to me that, since so many have gone into the jehovah's witness sites on facebook and have - uh, let's say, 'played a role'.... do you suppose a few of those ardent, blindly faithful jehovah's witnesses have buzzed in here to wreak revenge?.
a - ha!!
I don't think he is a mole but a sad little man with some major problems in his life. He seems to me to need to be antagonistic to the point of being personal.
We don't need people like that here as it brings out the worst in people.
Love and happy posts people!!
Being married to a masseuse is a good thing and please don't feel sorry for me!
It doesn't bother me one bit. Im looking forward to old age and dying, I don't have to believe in a fairytale about everlasting life anymore.
I can grow old surrounded by my loved ones and be happy.
Were You "Afraid" Of The Elders?
by minimus indid you view them as men who truly cared about you?.
did your heart sink in fear when an elder came to talk to you?.
were the elders nothing special to you?.
Did you view them as men who truly cared about you?
Did your heart sink in fear when an elder came to talk to you?
They didn't often come and talk to me as they were afraid, they knew that I'd tell them what I thought.
Were the elders nothing special to you?
They were sad power hungry little men who were insignificant in the real world!
Just got a Phone Call
by cantleave init is the congregation's co visit this week.
it is first one since i stepped down and i have not attended any of the programme.
i just received a phone call from a sister, i answered thinking it was someone else.
"Its only the Olds that are sick" and now Victor Meldrew is going out as he can't cope with two girls picking on him
Just got a Phone Call
by cantleave init is the congregation's co visit this week.
it is first one since i stepped down and i have not attended any of the programme.
i just received a phone call from a sister, i answered thinking it was someone else.
Cantleave, what can I say
"F*ck off and leave me alone you sour faced bi*ch". is quite good but how about I pop down and tell them all to
"Fuck Off and leave the Man and his Family Alone or else"
It's official--I'm out.
by sd-7 in"sd-7 is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.".
i always imagined this day would come.
i'm not sure exactly how i knew.
Congratulations Christopher and welcome to the world of freedom!
Your struggle is our struggle and here is where you will find real support.
Would You Like WatchTower Better if They Open a Soup Kitchen or Charity Thrift Store?
by cameo-d ini see over and over so many times jws and x-jws alike complaining about wt's lack of charity work.
it almost seems to imply that wt would be an ok religion if only they opened a soup kitchen or had some charity pet project.. do you really think that a food bank would reconcile all of the sins of that organization?.
would you be more inclined to accept wt teachings if only they would do something to help "needy people"?.