The Bible is timeless and does not change, nor does the Father or Jesus. Of course... and hence Jesus was AOK with stoning homosexuals to death , of course not. He didn't want the Jews to stone the woman who was the adulterer right? Why? Because they would not have the chance to repent [probably]. If he is the judge, why would he want anyone to kill for him? Never happen. Just my opinion. Regards to all, DC
Posts by TTWSYF
Is the Bible really out of date?
by jam inan interesting read the emporia gazette:
the israelities needed moral codes, civil codes and holiness codes.. when the jews were getting ready to go to the promise land, god.
had to prepare them to become a nation.
Who Really Are True Christians?
by The Searcher inwell, since the wtbts "litter-ature" has informed people almost 4000 times about "true christian/s", then it would appear that they must be the assigned experts to judge any hypocritical "wolves in sheep's clothing".. thank goodness the bible confirms that the fds has been given the privilege to say who is or isn't a christian!.
2 corinthians 5:10 says (probably in the new version of the nwt) "for we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of the governing body, that each one may get his award for the things done through the body, according to the things he has practiced, whether it is good or vile.".
or in simple terms, it's like saying to christ, "don't worry yourself, we'll do the judging for you!!"..
I always thought that Christians were CHRISTIANS because they had the church of Christ. They worshipped the Christ the same as the Father.
Something about the name of Jesus being above any other name.
Think I read that somewhere......not in The Watchtower or Awake though..
by The Searcher inthe following is part of an email from a retired district overseer in the states.
(source private).
"the new bible will be released at the agm and i understand only two versions will be printed from now on.
Now THIS will be the MOST accurate bible ever. Scholars have been working round the clock checking and rechecking all of the biblical languages and cultural , geographical, and historical facts to get the most accurate translation ever!
Oh wait.....that's what all the other Christians churches do.
No scholars ever agree with the watchtowers bad
Do you think that "Born Agains" will eventually abandon the "Hellfire" doctrine?
by booker-t ini have talked to christians for years on this subject and they all seem more confused then ever.
some born agains have a hard time reconciling hellfire damnation with jehovah's loving personality.
the two just can't mix.
um, [in the bible] Jesus spoke more of hell then he did of heaven I believe.
just saying
Where would God let people go who hate him and want nothing to do with him?
Someplace far from God would make sense maybe
The Wt. is right we are mentally diseased
by TotallyADD inwe are mentally diseased in ways that most normal people cannot understand.
it does bare asking " what part did the wt.
have in causing this problem?
Tough to keep your sanity when they [the WTS] asks you to go door to door with a Catholic book and then asks you to bash the Catholics on their teachings, not to mention denying the explicit and implicit teachings that are actually in the bible.
Never made sense and it never will imho.
What kind of people leave and join religious organizations?
by TTWSYF inthe more people get educated on the facts of any faith people will join or leave.. what do you think about people who leave the watchtower or what do you think of people who join the watchtower?.
I ask because I heard a [former baptist who became ] catholic speculate that millions leave and join the catholics everyday. He stated that most who leave were never up on their faith and those who join have done their homework.
What kind of people leave and join religious organizations?
by TTWSYF inthe more people get educated on the facts of any faith people will join or leave.. what do you think about people who leave the watchtower or what do you think of people who join the watchtower?.
The more people get educated on the facts of any faith people will join or leave.
What do you think about people who leave the Watchtower or what do you think of people who join the Watchtower?
gay lobby in the vatican?
by Hortensia in
look at the slant given to this news:.
in the days leading up to pope benedict xvi's resignation in february, the italian media carried many un-sourced reports that gay vatican clergymen had been working together to advance their personal interests, leaving the holy see vulnerable to blackmail.. or gay vatican clergymen have been working to overcome the church's hatred of gays?.
I'm not surprised.
Wonder how they'll do well with the boyscouts.
Lying for the theocratic warfare
by Gorbatchov inbecause of growing up in the jw religion we heared and read many experiences and encouragement for lying when nesscesary / needed for the theocratic warfare.
personaly i think this is totaly wrong and has had some effects on me: i feel that i can lie easily at work and sometimes in our family affairs.. a kind of creatively using truth and untruth.. i don't do it often but i recognize this fact.. so, this jw religion standards are measurability wrong.. gorby.
Who was that dude? ,.... The father of lies?...
Oh, right, Satan
Do you blame Jehovah, Yahweh, God, Jesus, etc. for the corruption of the borg?
by Fading Begins indo you hold god accountable for the corruption of the borg?
i've noticed there seems to be a bitterness, by some, that includes "god" in the equation, when discussing the borg and their policies, the governing body, elders actions, etc.
do the borg's transgressions originate with god, or does he feel the same disgust as we do?
Freedom!!! We all have freedom. The freedom to believe what ever we want to believe. That's why some believe in God and others don;t. but , of course, our freedom doesn;t end there, does it?
Hitler had freedom and people were free to follow him too.
Freedom to love or hate people, things, ideas or whatever.
I blame freedom, but what else could you do, remove freedom?