@Ding Didn't mean any kind of implication between all high school educated and college educated people.
Just was curious if any in the GB had any kind of formal background in making any of their claims.
If they're just HS educated then they're most likely just making most of the stuff up as they go along, not that they can't still learn, but just an assertion that there's likely no formal training at all behind their methods of teaching, researching, or leading.
If they are college educated, then what fields of study? It would be of interesting import if human psychology was studied by any of the GB, as this could lend itself to methodology of manipulation. Or if any had studied in History, their twisting of historical events to fit Biblical prophecy.
Just was wondering if any had a "leg up," as it were to have any kind of scholarly know-how in leading a worldwide organization or were we just dealing with K-12 educated zealots who rode their piousness to their current positions atop Mount of All Lies?
My query was not meant as any kind of comparison between the education levels themselves, just was wondering what we were dealing with from the GB.