Welcome agent86.
That is a horrifying story. I'm not surprised by how this has affected you, although I have never heard of anything quite like it. It sounds quite surreal - almost a piece of fiction except that you had to live through this.
I find it interesting that even when the truth was found out (good on your dad for finally extracting it) that it was little consolation and nothing was done to ensure you were treated properly from then on.
Growing up in the truth is not growing up in a progressive environment full of forgiveness. What you have described and was my experience too was a place where judgement and punishment existed and your whole life's transgressions (or percieved transgressions) were held against you.
This is why elders, who are untrained in specialist social work, shouldn't be expected to do the job of the police, social services or therapists. It is the fault of the WTS who even now equips them with the KS10 - a simple book of judging and expects them to do something they cannot do. The policies were and are still wrong. It is the fault of the elders who know when they are out of their depth and do not let professionals deal with it. It is the fault of people at the KH who judge others and do not show love. This was not your fault. You did nothing wrong.
I'm glad that you are now protecting your children from this environment, they will never know how lucky they are. That is a truly important and great thing that has come out of all this badness.
I also read this as if you were a boy until you mentioned your husband - I presume because you called her a cute girl and the subject matter I would normally associate with a boy - good twist if ever you thought about taking up fiction.