JoinedTopics Started by peaches
9 it the unforgivable sin???
by peaches indo active witnesses consider apostacy the unforgivable sin????
if not,,,,then what is the puniishment for being on this sight????
just curious...thanks much....peaches.
no truer words spoken
by peaches infriendship isn't about who you've known the longest....but....who came to your side and has never left.... should be the yearly text for the kingdom halls....maybe it would make something click...
cancer.....wanted to warn you....
by peaches inmy aunt is self supportive...runs a self employed catering service...healthy and active...went to bed one night,,,,woke up with a sore chest....she thought she had pulled a it a few days to improvement.... went to the doctor,,,,,they ran some tests,,,,and found out she is full of is in her breast,,,lungs,,,liver....they told her she has about 4 to 6 months to live...nothing they can do for her..... she is just a wonderful person,,,,and i love her alot...i told her god loves her,,,and that heaven was a wonderful place...i said nothing about "earth"...i told her death is only hard on the living...and sent her big hugs...... this is really disturbing because she had no symptoms....none...she felt fine...i did not want this to happen to any of,,,guys and gals,,,check for lumps and bumps...get the yearly physicals,,,mamo-grams,,,pap smears...prostrate..etc etc.... we always think it would never happen to us or a loved so easily could....peaches .
computer problems..can anyone help?? thanks if you can
by peaches inthought i would ask again...when i first started on this site,,,i had my smileys etc...i do not know what happened...but they are gone now???
i am computer stupid,,,to put it bluntly,,,,i have down loaded several sites,,,,but don't know where they are??
i have pushed all kinds of buttons,,,and have no idea what i have done..... i have smileys on my email page,,,but not here on my google home page??
why did they read the un charter at the special talk???
by peaches ini have been trying to find the answer,,,it does not make sense to me????
anyhelp would be appreciated...thanks.
RETIREMENT!! golden years or dark ages...
by peaches inthis system is ending!!!
why worry about the future....did anyone save for retirement???
what are your plans???
question about judicial committee meetings
by peaches ina couple of young people about 20years old,,,,were involved with each....they went too far with the being alone situation....not sure if they reported themselves or some one else did...reguardless.....i guess the elders asked both of them extremely embarrassing questions and very very personal what kind of underwear she wore,,,,,did she have an orgasm.....etc etc..... i do not understand why this is done?????
they went too far,,,acknowledged it,,,,met with the elders...why the deep personal questions??
they already had all the information they needed...... i should know these things,,,being in the borg for 30 years...but i don't,,,i really do not understand why????
question about monitoring this site
by peaches injust got done reading a previous topic about elders monitoring this site...i have never heard of that!!!
does anyone know if it is just brooklyn elders that do this,,,or are other elders assigned throughout the country????
god,,,for creepy.....
i just have a question...
by peaches indo active jehovahs witnesses have a forum like we do here?????
how long in truth,,,what was the final "straw"
by peaches ini was in for 30 ex was an elder...."holy spirit appointed" he tortured me....i was married 33+ know,,,marriage is can leave,,,i know,,,,if abuse is intolerable....but that starts a series of events...etc etc etc....i finally left everything...and moved far away.....people actually believe "holy spirit" appoints people,,,my ex would not pray unless there was an know,,,,people invited over for supper kind of thing,,,you get the point..... my best friend had a mental breakdown,,,,she basically became psychotic.....had to be hospitalized....she took up smoking,,,got disfellowshipped...and lost all emotional this day,,,,as far as i know,,,she is still disfellowshipped...needs to be hospitialized every so often....she is on complete disability.....and still trying to get back into the org....her mother does support some what,,,,even though she is a witness herself,,,,,takes her to assemblies,,,,memorial,,,etc,,,,this has gone on for years.....she cannot mentally handle the organization,,,nor can she mentally handle not being a witness...lost everything....guilt....etc..... did not mean to ramble on so much......i have mental scars that will not go away....because i stayed in a "mess" for god,,,,i could write page after page of things like the being my "last straw".......curious about you here on the board....any specific "breaking point" or a collection of many things..... thanks for your in put...peaches.