There is no such thing as two separate governments that God actually uses to accomplish all his purpose as you claim.
Who does the Bible teach to be the future "Chieftain" mentioned in Ezekiel 44:1-3, 45:22, and 46:16,17, and what is his position with God?
To insist that there are two kingdoms, you must prove your point not imagine it using symbolic or prophetic texts that say no such thing. It is recognized by many that the verses you refer to in Ezekiel simply use features of the Jewish Law covenant to depict the organization, order of and the responsibilities of those involved in this kingdom, the right or passage the reasoing behind it and authority of the Prince depicted therein. And this Prince is commonly understood by all to be the Christ. Thus we can look up a reference like Matthew Henrys commentary as just one example and see:
III. This oblation must be given for the prince in Israel, #Eze 45:16. Some read it to the prince, and understand it of Christ, who is indeed the prince in Israel, to whom we must offer our oblations, and into whose hands we must put them, to be presented to the Father. Or, They shall give it with the prince; every private person shall bring his oblation, to be offered with that of the prince; for it follows (#Eze 45:17). It shall be the princes part to provide all the offerings, to make reconciliation for the house of Israel. The people were to bring their oblations to him according to the foregoing rules, and he was to bring them to the sanctuary, and to make up what fell short out of his own. Note, It is the duty of rulers to take care of religion, and to see that the duties of it be regularly and carefully performed by those under their charge,
As disciples we are expected to bring our offerings and add them to those of the Prince and this is why what we are as human beings and how we treat others matters so much to Christ. This is why the sheep who did good to their fellow man are saved and worthy to enter into it. Where is your proof? Quoting a lot of texts and making up imaginary scenarios does not cut it. The existence of only one Kingdom in the hands of the Christ has already been established. Christ opened this door to the one everlasting kingdom. It is our responsibility to attain entrance.
2 Peter 1:11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 7 October 2002 23:31:34