tough call blacksheep.
i am glad im not in your shoes.
just try to keep some chance for a reconcilliation open.
best wishes
not that my mom would ever visit this site - but i have to just vent.
last night my mom promised she would meet me at home to help me move some furniture.
she made it seem like it was a tremendous deal and the only reason why she would be by would be because she had something else to do in the neighbourhood.
tough call blacksheep.
i am glad im not in your shoes.
just try to keep some chance for a reconcilliation open.
best wishes
not that my mom would ever visit this site - but i have to just vent.
last night my mom promised she would meet me at home to help me move some furniture.
she made it seem like it was a tremendous deal and the only reason why she would be by would be because she had something else to do in the neighbourhood.
sorry kiddo.
i cant think of how to help you, but maybe if you are considered an apostate BE ONE.
if she ignores you it to her shame. if she tries to defend herself, youll crush her.
my thoughts are with you whatever you do.
the state of california is now considering legistlation to make it easier, in fact very easy, for a victim of pedophilia to sue the church (catholic church is main target of legislation) for significant monetary damages - perhaps shifting the burden of proof somewhat to the perpetrators (priests) and their religious organizations who knew of these child molesters and shifted them around to different parishes.
the watchtower religion will also be significantly affected as the legislation is generic enough to include all religious organizations.
what else will be of concern to the watchtower religion?
while i agree that something needs to be done to change the law regarding child abuse, and other sex crimes.
i COMPLETLY disagree that anyone should be obliged to prove their innocence.
even the catholic church and wtbts must be given the right to be presumed innocent.
once the priciple is watered down, we will be next.
im just wondering what kind of work people who post here do.
i believe amazing is a mechanical engineer (like me), xena is an office manager and you know washes windows.
and when youre not working, what does everyone do with their free time now that they dont have to knock on doors when the weekend rolls around.
i clean windows. an studing to go back to uni (shortly).
i play a killer game of chess. read, and enjoy climbing steep mountains.
did today, so much fun. of course i spent my witness life trying to stay out of trouble for all of the above.
war games, too smart by half (yeah right) and of course dangerous.
i've just been looking back over some of the old posts and remembering some of the people we have had on the forum, been friends with and now miss.. one of the down-sides of running a place like this is that it becomes harder and harder to really 'get to know' many of the new ones like it was at first and i'm often working on the system and seeing so many names that they sometimes almost become a blur.
sometimes i see a post by a name i don't recognise and they've already made 100+ or so posts !.
many people are bound to move on eventually (although we're lucky to have a good bunch of 'regulars') and it's unfortunate that some are put off posting by personality clashes (possibly mine!
i miss uncle bruce allthough its my fault as i have his email. i miss farkel. i miss cowgirl and the nice lady who was a moderater on h20. she kept me in check.
all who i forgot to mention i miss too.
come back you all helped me soooo much.
right now, 4 hours this very minute, removing tumors, still no news - and i am one nervous father ...........
weve never spoken, but im sorry.
and if it helps i said a prayer.
at the time i went to school jehovahs witnesses were still discouraged from higher education.
the teachers on the primary school advised me to go follow pre-university education.
but totally in line with the watchtower i followed
well done rado
ive followed you ever since i started researching jws online, and am glad.
i am starting an access course in biological sciences in september. with luck i will be joining you just before my 29 birthday.
best of luck, and heartfelt congrats.
ok, i have a question.. jesus said we should 'keep doing this in rememberance of me'.
and paul says 'until he arrives'.
hasn't jesus already arrived according to jw's in 1914. so shouldn't the celebration of the memorial have ceased as of this date?.
i willhappily play devils advocate.
jeses came invisibly in 1914. when he comes finally to execute judgement on wicked mankind then the memorial will cease (maybe).
this is of course nonsense, but a i recall, its the jw answer.
read the book "apocalypse delayed"by M James Penton. its published by univerity of toonto press.
see you
hi hillary.
no ive not seen him, but those kind of idiots are lurking everywhere.
ps when are we going to go climbing?
this is a request to get some assistance in preparing an estimate of how many jehovah's witness children leave the religion during or after adolescence.
i know the figure is substantial based on my own observations, but we need some way to document it.
please put on your thinking cap and publish your ideas here.
tough one lee
here goes
1 get average number of witnesses per country
2 find out average birth rate per country
3 try to find out percentage of converts to jws
4 take away birth rate + converts from average jws = decline of jws not converts
or something like that
well did i say i was a statistician ? im a window cleaner, come up with your own ideas.
good luck