On pg. 4 , paragraph 6 it states about Satan's influence, " Therefore, knowingly or unknowingly , those infected by the world's spirit allow their minds and hearts to be influenced by Satan, so that they reflect his thinking and attitude. They react to situations on the basis of pride or selfishness, they manifest a rebellious attitude toward authority, and they give free rein to " the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes.
Setting up for mind control in 3, 2, 1...
"I can't disagree with this crap, I'll be just like Satan! It makes no sense, I don't understand why they changed things. I'll be like Satan if I lean on my own understanding. I'll be so selfish. I have to agree or else Jehovah will not love me. Oh my self esteem is taking another nosedive!! Next thing I know I'll be out fornicating and doing drugs!!! Can't have that. Must stay close to the Organization. They will do my thinking for me. I am not a proud or selfish person. I love Jehovah!! But I don't like what this organization is telling me. I'm a bad person to disagree!! Jehovah will not love me anymore if I don't agree with the new light. I know, I'll pioneer! That will make it all better. I'll go out and tell people things I don't really believe so I can MAYBE make it into the New System. Yeah, that's the ticket!"
Lol.... I also like how they are telling people (page 24 paragraph 15) to stay up to date on the publications. Funny how those of us on the outside know more than they do!