WELCOME BACKSPACER!!! Sorry to hear about the sad past, but good to hear you're getting past it and enjoying YOUR life. You'll find good friends and supper on this site. Join the fun.
i'm new here but have been reading/lurking for several months.
it's good to know that i'm not alone in my ex-jw status and that my story and experiences are not unique.
i have no bitterness or anger anymore.... that's long gone since i left some 12 years ago.
WELCOME BACKSPACER!!! Sorry to hear about the sad past, but good to hear you're getting past it and enjoying YOUR life. You'll find good friends and supper on this site. Join the fun.
in her radio show, dr laura schlesinger said that, as an observant orthodox jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.
the following response is an open letter to dr. laura, penned by a us resident, which was posted on the internet.
it's funny, as well as informative:.
AWESOME POST!!! Thank You for the Giggles. Definetely going on my fridge.
to be entitled "offering the bible - what is its message?".
possibly a tract or brochure - haven't had any other details yet.
maybe they are even going to offer the bible (now that would be a novelty!).
C'mon!!!!! Enough with the (boring) special campaigns. Most of the friends don't get excited about them anymore. The 2006 The End of False Religion is Near! really got us going there for a while. And last year's district conventions seem to have done the trick again. But this constant Armageddon-is-near-roller-coaster is really not helping keep anyone in. Besides what's so special about the latest Brochure? It's nothing but a very very summarized Bible Teach book. Nice for bedtime stories but really nothing the householder hasnt' heard before.
i wanted to say hello.
i knew i was gay.
i wanted to study and learn about everything i could.
WOW!!! What a story. My heart goes out to you LaVerite. I am actually able to relate to a lot of things you said, it almost made me cry, (being the crybaby taht I am I probably would've had I not been at work ). I am so happy for you. Happy that you found happiness and you make your 3 children happy. Welcome to the board.
been lurking for a few months now and i thought it was time to finally introduce myself and start having some fun with the lot of ya.
i've really enjoyed reading the threads and getting familiar with some of you.
a little bit about myself, born and raised in the truth.
Now i feel like Anakin!!! Who's the bad guys again??? Right when you're at that point of turning and you don't who your real friends are and you're so confused: That's me right now. And like cyberjesus said, there is no going back. One of the things I'd always disagreed on was how everyone else was sooooooo bad. Once I started looking around saw different. Even here with so many "apostates", it's just people with different viewpoints and we need to learn to respect them. It's funny though, there were always a few bros/sis who always seemed to be one step ahead of everyone else. Now I think I know where they were getting the info. Should I go back I'll totally still keep in touch and definetely amaze my jw friends with my new powers. Maybe I'll even start partaking at memorial....LOL, that ought to explain it right??
I must admit I'm also quite intrigued about you friend "owning donations". In my opinion, the whole world-ending thing has always been very vague. From failed dates in the past I've learned not too get too worked up about it. Whenever things seem to get bad (WWI, WWII, Cold War, Gulf war, Vietnam war, African civil unrest in the 1980's & 1990's, bad economy, 9/11) there seems to be a hype about the world finally coming to an end. If and when it does, and if it indeed comes from God, it'll be just as he said, no one knows the time or the hour. So why worry about it? In the words of an old friend and Elder: LIVE as if Armageddon was coming tomorrow, but PLAN as if it was not coming in your lifetime.
i was disfellowshipped when i was 16 for playing sports, girlfriend, high school parties, etc.
basically the normal stuff 16 yr olds do.
i was booted out of the house and bounced around to various family (all non-jw) until i went to college.
Hi and WELCOME!!!!! I'm also new to this board but can totally relate to what you're going through. I was also DF once and still living at home. I was allowed to stay cuz I was trying to be all goodie and show repentance and wanting to come back, and because I was so emotionally messed up my family was afraid I'd hurt myself. But was still not allowed to talk to my siblings cuz I was a bad influence. It was needless to say very stressful and tense. Eventually I got Rted, and then became inactive and moved out. To this day all my friends don't talk to me and my family still only talks to me when it is really "necessary", meanining, when they need something. We do have a few relatives who are DF'ed and they get completely shunned, not even a phone call. But it's ok to do stuff with their spouses. Funny how the minute you get DF'ed you instantly become the bad guy. So sorry you went through that. But hey, sounds like you had a sweet sweet 16 .
i did.. it was a 1975 nova hatchback; i named her blossom.. i traded her in on a 1985 nova which i named gumby; i didn't like him.. thanks for replying.. syl.
I actually did, but can't tell. Can't give myself away on my first day here.
been lurking for a few months now and i thought it was time to finally introduce myself and start having some fun with the lot of ya.
i've really enjoyed reading the threads and getting familiar with some of you.
a little bit about myself, born and raised in the truth.
Thanks all for your warm welcomes so far. It's nice to feel part of something again.
Gayle- I know what you mean by the whole preprogrammed-mind-thing. I've thought about it many times and been wondering more and more. I've always been very open-minded. Done quite some research on Ray Franz and thought he's got an interesting story, and would like to hear his side of it. I've already pre-ordered the book through my local library and are eagerly waiting for it.
LD- Yes, I've always been more the independent thinker, got me into trouble with the elders more than once.
sd-7- You crack me up. No I don't think I recall seeing any of your posts before, but it looks like we'll get along just fine. You had me laughin hard. Ive actually imagined that very scene many times before. And, yes definetely gonna turn you in to the elders, but I'll take that offer first: Teach me everything you know. Glad to meet a fellow force user.
Jedi Master
been lurking for a few months now and i thought it was time to finally introduce myself and start having some fun with the lot of ya.
i've really enjoyed reading the threads and getting familiar with some of you.
a little bit about myself, born and raised in the truth.
Greetings to all!!! Been lurking for a few months now and I thought it was time to finally introduce myself and start having some fun with the lot of ya. I've really enjoyed reading the threads and getting familiar with some of you. A little bit about myself, born and raised in the truth. Very, very zelous at some point. DF'ed once and reinstated once. Got into trouble again and this time ran for dear life. So the elders didn't have a chance to "take care" of me, or "make an example" of me... Anyway, decided not to go back as I knew the matter woulnd't be handled Biblically, but more so Theocratically......ahem, yeah...not the same thing. So, been inactive for a while now. And now for the big shocker: I do still believe it is the truth, and Jehovah's channel of communication on earth. Why? How? What the H am I doing here? To be honest, not really sure I just saw different NORMAL people I have lot in common with, mainly, the fact we've all been to a degree mistreated, disillusioned, misguided, etc, etc, (you name it) by the Org. And since all association with friends and family has been majorly cut off, thougth I could use the support and webship of people who are a little more....IDK..... open-minded??. It's been a long and painful several months of depression and JW-am-gonna-die-mentality. I very slowly started making a recovery and seem to be finally snapping out of it. Funny as it may seem I was actually able to get major good spiritual info from this site, thanks to all of you who posted about SAD's, CA's, Special talks and the like. Mostly, I just have fun reading the threads and there have been quite a few where I wanted to join. I truly respect everyone and their personal opinions, and from I've seen I think I'll get the same from most of you. So....say hi guys!!!