what freddy was saying was that adam had free will to choose a baboon or a panda as a mate!
gee aren't we lucky! imagine what we might have looked like...
It does sound like the book was implying that Adam went around trying out the animals to see if he could hit it off with any of them. I'm sure what was meant was he looked for a companion in a non sexual way, the way a faithful dog is thought of as ones companion. It seems like Adam's future was wide open at this point and Jehovah hadn't already decided to make another human. He wanted to see if Adam could do ok on his own first.It would have been biologically impossible to expect that with an animal as a mate, Adam would fill the earth with offspring and subdue it. Such a suggestion would have caused an uproar even with the most brainwashed JW.
The strange thing is that this is all written as if the writer had some inside information or proof that it was all so. Witnesses read this stuff and went along with it....fpr them there was no need for any proof.