.and the meatloaf stands for Eddie, it's served with a rich ketchup-based sauce..
That's a rather tender subject.. Another slice anyone?
.and the meatloaf stands for Eddie, it's served with a rich ketchup-based sauce..
That's a rather tender subject.. Another slice anyone?
could humans live forever on earth?.
since i was born i believed it was my destiny to live forever in a paradise on earth.. now that dream has been put aside, i question the whole concept of an everlasting earth.. of course scientists have long pointed out that the earth does not have an infinite life span.
and even if it did there are other factors to consider.
1.The Sun will eventually die. This causes obvious problems to life on earth.
Yep. Humans will have to find other planets to inhabit. Or more likely, hollowed out asteroids. Hollow out the inside and live on the inner surface. The astroid is spun to create a simulated gravity.
2.Earth goes through cycles of large climate change over thousands of years , resulting in such drastic climatic conditions as ice ages.
Shouldn't be too hard to adapt to. If you were living forever I suspect this sort of thing would be a welcome change.
3.The gravity of the earth is gradually changing (Can't remember if its going up or down)either way this would change what kind of life can live on earth.(magnetic polls shift as well and reverse over time, I'm not sure what effect if any this has but I believe they are getting weaker which would have an effect.)I think you should check your notes on this one. The magnetic poles definitely shift around a lot (geological-time-ly speaking) but gravity is based on the mass of the earth which only increases extremely gradually. If the poles shifted or reversed today it would cause a lot of havoc technology wise, but future technologically advanced humans should be able to adapt.
4.Universe expanding , eventually stars too far away which would effect the gravitational pulls on our galaxy which could have big effects on our sun (if it was still there)in turn effecting the earth.Don't think this one is right either. The universe is expanding but that doesn't mean everything is uniformly moving away from everything else. Within our galaxy (which is not expanding) stars are moving in various directions. Even if the galaxy was expanding the gravity effects from other stars at this distance are so minute that the effect on us and our sun is negligible.
5.Meteorites and other space debris are a constant danger to the earth. One large impact could destroy much life.This sort of thing could wipe us out at any time. For an entertaining scifi read on this read Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. Hopefully in the future this will be something that technogy can handle.
The one you forgot was #6. Heat death of the universe. When the universe reaches maximum entropy, that is, all of the heat energy is spread uniformly, no more 'work' is possible. (Work in the physics sense of a force moving thru a distance).. Past that point nothing is possible. Of course future discoveries could even solve this one.
swamp their server.
i can tell you the subject email address went through.
i didn't get a rejection anyway.
Jehovah doesn't even open any spam that promises less that a 5 light year dick size increase.
swamp their server.
i can tell you the subject email address went through.
i didn't get a rejection anyway.
Don't you know that's Jehovah's account!!?! be careful what you email there!
i just stumbled onto this website whilst messing about on the internet and i've taken exception to quite a lot of what i've seen here.
incase you think i'm some irate jehovah's witness idiot who's been offended by the terrible blasphemy that he's read on here, i'm not.
i was raised a jw, but now i'm not one.. first of all, given the url, i thought this website was in some way affiliated with the jehovah's witness organization, whereas in reality it seems from the posts i've read that most people here are either former jehovah's witnesses or soon-to-be former jehovah's witnesses.
As noted by Reborn2002's comments of hating the WTS with "every
fiber of my being." It is obvious that some here suffer from emotional problems. So I guess I should also understand that not everyone on this board is playing "with a full deck of cards."
Did you just imply that Reborn2002 is not playing with a full deck of cards?? Because it sounds like you did. Although not technically calling him a name, it amounts to the same thing I think. That would make you hmmmm a hypocrit?
i just stumbled onto this website whilst messing about on the internet and i've taken exception to quite a lot of what i've seen here.
incase you think i'm some irate jehovah's witness idiot who's been offended by the terrible blasphemy that he's read on here, i'm not.
i was raised a jw, but now i'm not one.. first of all, given the url, i thought this website was in some way affiliated with the jehovah's witness organization, whereas in reality it seems from the posts i've read that most people here are either former jehovah's witnesses or soon-to-be former jehovah's witnesses.
I respect their right to hold a belief, and in my brother's case his right to raise all 3 of his children as JWs.
Do you respect your brother's right to murder his children by withholding blood if they should need it to live? Do you believe that a child or teenager should die because of beliefs based on an interperetation of the Bible?
i just stumbled onto this website whilst messing about on the internet and i've taken exception to quite a lot of what i've seen here.
incase you think i'm some irate jehovah's witness idiot who's been offended by the terrible blasphemy that he's read on here, i'm not.
i was raised a jw, but now i'm not one.. first of all, given the url, i thought this website was in some way affiliated with the jehovah's witness organization, whereas in reality it seems from the posts i've read that most people here are either former jehovah's witnesses or soon-to-be former jehovah's witnesses.
Xenu has decided that all we do here is:
1) calling people names
2) calling WTS leaders names
3) posting the posts
4) criticizing JWs for being happy
Well if that was what actually happened at this website you would have a point. Since this strawman description is as far from reality as it could be, why don't you stop posting and read the board for awhile to see what is really being said here.
sevenofnine: nice succinct summation
i just stumbled onto this website whilst messing about on the internet and i've taken exception to quite a lot of what i've seen here.
incase you think i'm some irate jehovah's witness idiot who's been offended by the terrible blasphemy that he's read on here, i'm not.
i was raised a jw, but now i'm not one.. first of all, given the url, i thought this website was in some way affiliated with the jehovah's witness organization, whereas in reality it seems from the posts i've read that most people here are either former jehovah's witnesses or soon-to-be former jehovah's witnesses.
I get real suspicious when someone comes on here and claims to not be a JW but defends them vehemently or is noticeably bothered when exJWs criticise the borg.
Little lamb, why don't you practice what you preach? Why are you so concerned with the actions of exJWs on this board? Why should you care if some ex's want to stay current with JW happenings and continue to discuss JW issues? To paraphrase: 'why are you so bothered when ex JWs try to help JWs to leave? Why should it matter to you in the slightest?'
I think you are a witness who said you aren't because you thought you'd be taken more seriously.
i continue to predict that there will be an increase of suicides.
and other tragedies related to the huge amount of mental and.
emotional illness among jw's.. the scary place to watch will be japan.
I think You Know forgot to take his medication again.
hi rwc,.
i'm sure you're a very nice person and i don't want to get into an argument but rather a civil debate.
i just wanted to point out that as ex-jws many of us are a little obsessed with truth (not to be confused with "the truth" tm) and that after being burned by the watchtower society and hating ourselves for being so stupid to have fallen for its bs we have now become highly skeptical of the bible as well.
because science tells us that something cannot come from nothing.
This is no longer considered true. Quantum theory allows for virtual particles to appear spontaneously from nothing at all. This is allowed because the virtual partical appears witha n anti- version of itself and the two quickly rejoin and annihilate each other.
However certain special cases allow the particle to continue to exist. This is how energy is believed to bleed off of a black hole (which nothing can escape from).. At the edge of the black hole's event horizon a virtual particle pair forms and goes in opposite directions. One particle enters the black hole, the other escapes.. They cannot rejoin, but energy must be conserved; so it is taken from the black hole.
Sorry if this explanation is murky but I am just a science buff layperson and typing fast. The point is that quantum physics is weird wild stuff where things don't work the way we expect. Within this framework the universe can in fact spring from nothing, you and I may exist in an infinite number of alternate universes, and the contents of your house may not really exist until you actually look at them.