Moshe: Well, the Dayton Hamfest will just be a non-event....or, will it? But, hey, all of our past Field Day activites have been training us for what comes this Saturday! 73
post-rapture supplies needed (cape cod)date: 2011-05-19, 2:46am edt.
the rapture is this saturday, and i will be one of the many left behind.
when you go to heaven, you can't take your possessions with you.
Moshe: Well, the Dayton Hamfest will just be a non-event....or, will it? But, hey, all of our past Field Day activites have been training us for what comes this Saturday! 73
post-rapture supplies needed (cape cod)date: 2011-05-19, 2:46am edt.
the rapture is this saturday, and i will be one of the many left behind.
when you go to heaven, you can't take your possessions with you.
Hey, Moshe! From one of my previous posts here, I understand that you and I are both Ham Radio operators. This coming Saturday, will we put to good use our communications skills on the air? That would be a good day to do just that!
there are many new posters here, and i'm very interested to learn why you chose your screen names.. .
one book i read, the mists of avalon, was very important to me.
among the main characters was merlin, who in the book, was called "taliesen".
Talesin: To paraphrase some dialogue from one of my all-time favorite TV shows from years ago: "We want information...Information!...Information! "
"You wont' get it."
"By hook or by crook...we will!"
Sorry, I just couldn't resist that! :) Be seeing you!
there are many new posters here, and i'm very interested to learn why you chose your screen names.. .
one book i read, the mists of avalon, was very important to me.
among the main characters was merlin, who in the book, was called "taliesen".
My screen name was the "nickname" of a very prolific writer from another Website/board, who wrote about his experiences of participating in TUGs when he was a youth. If you know what TUGs are, or even have a slight CLUE as to what they are, then you know...if you don't, well, I'll just leave that to your conjecture and speculation. But, I won't elaborate here....sorry!
personally, i have never felt an earthquake in my life.
Yes, indeed, I have. Having been born, raised and lived in California, I've felt several earthquakes. And, after all this time, I still have not gotten accustomed to them, or used to them. Large earthquakes still "un-nerve" me. They just re-inforce my belief that we live on a very imperfect planet, in an imperfect Universe. I mean, if left up to me, I would NEVER, EVER, invent a planet that has tectonic plates beneath its surface, that slide across each other, and move around, causing havoc for the residents, inhabitants of the planet that live on the surface of the planet. Would you do that? Not me! My ideal planet would be a lot better than that.
greetings to all: several months ago, i started a thread concerning the book "the secret", by rhonda byrne.
but, i'd like to start this thread, regarding an aspect of the book.
among several authors and "authorities" who are quoted in the secret is a person by the name of loral langemeier.
Greetings to All: Several months ago, I started a thread concerning the book "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrne. I wanted to get comments from folks on the board about their own personal experiences that they might have had after reading this book. But, I'd like to start this thread, regarding an aspect of the book. Among SEVERAL authors and "authorities" who are quoted in The Secret is a person by the name of Loral Langemeier. Loral Langemeier is the founder of an organization called "Live Out Loud", and is the author of several books, including "The Millionaire Maker." Apparently, according to the book, she has assisted many people to become millionaires. That is, if you buy her books, apply the principles and concepts that are presented in her book, and start a business in the way that she says you should start a business. So, with that in mind, I'd like to ask anyone and everyone here: Has anyone, ANYONE, bought any of Loral Langemeier's books, read them, applied the principles that they learned in her books, started a business of their own, and eventually become a milliionaire? I'd really like to know. What has been YOUR experience?
Now then, My own personal take on Loral: Well, I've done some research on the Internet, and just about everything that I've seen---comments from people who have dealt with her Live Out Loud organization, have been, for the most part---negative. Apparently, if you hear one of her radio infomercials, or attend one of her seminars, the only way that you can buy her books, or CDs, is to pay for them with a credit card. But---here's the catch---once you give her organization your credit card number---BEWARE---WATCH OUT! Once they have your credit card number, they will start putting all kinds of charges on that card, for things that you didn't order, things that you DON'T want or need, and it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get those charges taken off! You really have to fight with her LOL organization to get those credit charges removed from your card. And, if, after reading one of her books, you find that it doesn't fit your needs and try to return it---they won't accept it back. You're stuck with the book and the charges to pay for it. It seems to me, that Loral Langemeier is raking in her "millions" by scamming people and ripping people off.
So, any comments from anyone? Been successful in becoming a millionaire by reading and applying Loral Langemeir's concepts? Thanks for any and all comments.
for any and all persons who may have been associated with jehovah's witnesses in the past (or currently), you have probably read, or heard information about the origin of the name "jehovah.
" as explained by witnesses, and even other religious groups, the name jehovah is merely the anglicized (or, english-language) version of the so-called "divine name.
" the thinking is that in the original hebrew language, the "divine name" was originally represented by these four english consonants: jhvh; some persons think that it might have been yhvh.
For any and all persons who may have been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses in the past (or currently), you have probably read, or heard information about the origin of the name "Jehovah." As explained by Witnesses, and even other religious groups, the name Jehovah is merely the Anglicized (or, English-language) version of the so-called "divine name." The thinking is that in the original Hebrew language, the "divine name" was originally represented by these four English consonants: JHVH; some persons think that it might have been YHVH. But, which ever four consonants it is, those four letters are commonly referred to as the "Tetragrammaton." And, the Hebrew language didn't have what we today call "vowels". So, the three vowels, "e", "o", and "a" were inserted into the Tetragrammaton's consonant letters, to form the name "Jehovah", in the English language.
But, I've been thinking about something recently. Why were those 3 vowels chosen, to be inserted into the JHVH? And, why in that particular order or sequence? Who decided that? Couldn't the order of the vowels have been e,a, & o? If that had been decided upon, then the Anglicized version of the "divine name" would have been "Jehavoh." And, we would have the Jehavoh's Witnesses today! Or, the order or sequence of the vowels could have been a,e, & o, and it would have been "Jahevoh." And, we would have the Jahevoh's Witnesses. Or, if the sequence of the vowels had been a, o, & e, it would appear as Jahoveh, and we would have Jahoveh's Witnesses calling at residences today. If the order of the vowels had been o, a, & e, we would have "Johaveh", and the Johaveh's Witnesses. And, of course, last, but not least, if the sequence of the vowels had been decided to be o, e, & a, we would have "Johevah", and the Johevah's Witnesses would be in existence all these years. You probably see my point.
Anyway, just who did decide upon those 3 particular vowels, "a" "e" and "o"? (What about the vowels "i", "u", and "y"?) And, who decided what the sequence of those 3 vowels should be, when inserted into the consonants of the Tetragrammaton? I suppose that, really, any sequence of the vowels would have worked just as well, don't you think?
Or, maybe, just maybe, thousands of years ago, Yahweh decided, pre-determined, if you will, that when and if a so-called "English" language came into existence, that the "divine name" would be written out in that particular sequence of the letters? Nah, couldn't be, could it.......?
well, an interesting thing happened today, here in southern california.
as i was sipping my morning coffee, i heard a distinct knocking on my door.
the front door was closed, so i didn't open it.
To Ding: Well, none of the above. As I mentioned in my post, I just went back to drinking my coffee, eating breakfast, after looking out the kitchen window and realizing who was standing on my porch, knocking very lightly. One thing to keep in mind, for ANYONE who knocks on your door, or rings your doorbell (if it's working) is that you are under NO obligation or requirement legally, morally, ethically, or otherwise, to respond to ANYONE who is out there. In other words, I was under no obligation to open the door, and engage in conversation with them. So, I hope that explains to everyone what I did. Just went back to what I was doing....And, thanks to everyone who has replied. Your comments have been intersting. Anyway, right now, because of the economic meltdown and the effects that it has had upon me, I don't have the money to buy them a copy of CoC. Wish I did...but, alas, I don't! Maybe some day, if I win the Lottery or the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, I'll have enough money to buy them individual copies of that book, but not right now!
well, an interesting thing happened today, here in southern california.
as i was sipping my morning coffee, i heard a distinct knocking on my door.
the front door was closed, so i didn't open it.
Well, an interesting thing happened today, here in Southern California. As I was sipping my morning coffee, I heard a distinct knocking on my door. The front door was closed, so I didn't open it. I looked through my kitchen window, to observe two female Witnesses on my front porch. I just sat down at my table to continue my coffee-drinking activities. But, what is interesting about this, is that this time, as with the most recent times that they have come to my front door, is they did not press the doorbell button. This happened the past few times that I was at home, and a couple of Witnesses came by. Just knocking---not pressing the doorbell button. I DO have a functioning doorbell. Is it a new edict now, don't press doorbell buttons to alert someone that they are there? A few years ago, when a couple of them came, the knock was so light and imperceptable, that if I had been in my back bedroom, I wouldn't have heard anyone knocking. (As mentioned by someone on this site before, could it be the "Invisible Presence Knock"? Well, maybe) Could it be that on that occasion, they really didn't WANT to have someone open the door and engage them in conversation. Hmmm, could be, could be. Just knock VERRRRRY lightly, so that no one inside will hear and open the door, and converse with you. But, what has me REALLY baffled is this...You know how many Witnesses are living with the mindset that there are angels---invisible spirit creatures---who are assisting them in the so-called Field Service. Well, if that is really true, then why did they come to my residence? Don't those invisible angels know that behind this door is a "fader"---a person who faded out of the organization in the late 80s? Don't they know that behind this door is a person who regularly logs onto, and reads THIS Website? (Ah, ah, ah, don't go to THAT door---there's a fader inside there, a person who looks at and reads JWN!) Hmmm, I guess not. Maybe those invisible angels didn't get the "inter-heaven" memo yet, regarding this residence. Well, just thought I'd mention it...
i'd like to get some input and insight from anyone here who has had the experience of having their life transformed, in some way, by reading and applying the principles found in the book, "the secret", authored by rhonda byrne.
a few months ago, a thread was started by someone, concerning this book, and i don't remember who started the thread.
my apologies for that!
Thanks for the input, so far, folks. You've left me with some thoughtful ideas to consider. And, Found Sheep, you expressed your thoughts quite well, without any spelling problems that I can detect. So, thanks, everyone. Any other thoughts from others are still welcome.