Brilliant post Terry. It is so amazing how do people forget, and most of all Cult members that are brainwashed. On my process of exiting WT the first book I have purchased to read was "1984" by Orwell. The similar situation of what was happening in Oceania and WT was more than a coincidence.
Once I had a realy heated argument with a relative(elder) regarding 1975. I pointed to him that it was a big mistake from the Organization end they should apologize, but in the end they blame the brothers and sisters for over exitement and eagerness to see God's promises fullfiled. So I asked WHO CREATED that eagerness? Who printed out that reports worldwide are coming to the headquarters in Brooklyn that brothers are selling their property to become pioneers, and praised that action because it was the most appropiate thing to do in the remaining months of this system?
As you can tell I didn't got any reply...
I'm 41 years old. In 1975 I was only 7 but I do recall the high expectations of the JW's to see the end of the world. I was teenager at the 80's. I remember more clearly the expectation of the Generation that will not pass away. I left high school in order to become pioneer and preach the "good news". Due to WT's banning of education I have stayed without education because Armageddon was just around the corner. I was preaching to all the people and friends that the generation will no pass way and the end will come. We were told that the generation dogma it was "solid"as a rock, and the fact that our preaching was separating sheep and goat-like ones.
In 1995 they change it. All my life went down the drain. Because I didn't got any higher education, and even I have refused a really good business opportunities that would have made my life easier. In 2000 I became innactive, steping down from my privelages, and 2006 disfelloshiped for apostasy. But the drauma and financial damage is unreversable. While my "wordly" classmates continue with higher education some own their own busiiness, others are well paid, enjoy their life, while on the other hand I see my self gettung low sallary, working 2-3 extra jobs in order to survive in this hard world, and I see no end to it. WT send us to a war without giving us bullets to face the enemy. As I see WT's "new light" and gospel, has nothing to do what I was preaching in the 80's and mid 90's. Really suprises me how can the old ones still close their eyes and can't see what is happening in the WT world. In the KM this June I read an article about families that they should prepare for the end of this system. And they will be well prepared if they:
1. Attend to the meetings
3.Preaching the "good news"
WT's "gospel" changes but the recipe never does. Preaching-study-meetings.
How can JW's seriously believe that people should take serious of them, since their gospel is changing after few years. How would Noah be credible to the people of his area if God was changing the message of the Gospel. In Galatians 1:6 clearly states that the Gospel will be the same and it will never change and even if an angel comes with another gospel is condemn to damnation. Can the leadership of the WT apply this verse to them? How can they expect from people to believe them since they never kept a clear dogma since the days of Russell?
The new coming ones or the children of the JW's have no idea regarding WT's changes. WT cleverly covers the mistakes of the past presending their "Gospel" as God's expression for mankind. Like a shifting virus that transforms in the years in order to survive from extiction, the WT is like a virus that is transforming in order to survive and continue to destroy lifes.