Thanks Barbara!
Is this another example of "Theocratic Warfare Strategy"?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
court rejects missionary lawsuit against netanya schools for voiding leasethe tel aviv magistrates court has rejected a claim by a missionary group, saying that the school they had been renting space in unlawfully voided their contract , and asking the court to instruct the school to pay nis 108,000 in compensation and mental anguish, as well as legal expenses.. it began when a missionary group, via a non-profit organization called "mitzpe l'yisrael", rented space at the raziel school in netanya to conduct daily afternoon activities.
shortly after signing the rental agreement , the school authorities discovered that the group was, in reality, the notorious missionary sect of "jehovah's witnesses".
Thanks Barbara!
Is this another example of "Theocratic Warfare Strategy"?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Hi Jon Preston, DITTO what jgnat wrote. Didn't your wife already admonish you for not being honest with her sooner.
Tell her you love her very much and respect her beliefs. Ask her if she really wants to leave the WTBTS and to do more independent research about what she believes, such as using internet resources. If she asks for your advice show, her one of the following videos by Steve Hassen:
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
my wife and i recently took the decision to fade out progressively and we are now in the stage where we no longer assist to our meetings.
in this process, we have told the truth to our respective parents but have not forced ourselves upon them; meaning that: we will talk about it when you want to.
as a result, my mother in-law already had some conversations with my wife on why we no longer went, but never brought up the subject with me, at least, up until yesterday.. she was telling us that a good deal of people miss us at the meeting and i answered that i missed them also.
Excellant logic ecan6!! I hope that it makes your MIL critically think for herself.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
maybe you guys remember that in january, i shared here our situation with the ongoing conflict with the ms that was conducting the wt study in our home.
well, my parents decided to talk to the elders about it.
the last time he held the study in our home he really said some insulting things during it.
Hi cookiemaster, Can you convince your parents to conduct a home Bible Study? Your objective would be to help your parents to identify how the Pharisees and Sadducees used BITE control techniques to victimize Jews and how Jesus Christ felt about it. DO NOT draw parrallels to the WTBTS. Let your parents critically think for themselves and make their own conclustions. Help and encourage your parents to use internet searches to do independent research of the WTBTS. According to a Watchtower in 1989, I believe, the truth is still the truth even if Satan says it.
If you do not know how to identify BITE control techniques, please visit Steve Hassan's website and watch his FREE videos on his website. I recommend watching the following videos:
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
the reason i ask is because from what i have heard the sda church is of this statis.
because of the 5013c in the sdas there are certain laws which will effect the church now and into the future such as .
no discrimination for homosexuality and any court case would be lost in favour of a homosexual if they felt they were being discriminated against.
Hi barry, The WTBTS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit because it claims to be a religion. I do not believe that the U.S. IRS has revoked any religious organization's non-profit status for sexual discrimination, but it has for racial discrimination, which was uphed by the U.S. Supreme Court in BOB JONES UNIVERSITY, GOLDSBORO CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. v. UNITED STATES. 461 U.S. 574 (1983).
Use the following link to determine whether the IRS considers an organization as a non-profit organization or has revoked its non-profit status: I would start her to verify claims that the IRS has revoked an organization's non-profit status.
The WTBTS has the following two entities in the State of NY with the names containing Watchtower and Watch Tower that are considered as non-profit organizations:
11-1857820 |
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania |
Brooklyn |
NY |
11-1753577 |
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc. |
Brooklyn |
NY |
Here is a link to the 501 section of the US tax code: 26 U.S. Code ยง 501.
There are very few reasons for revoking an organization's non-profit staus if it claims that it is a religion. Currently the IRS is able to revoke a religious organization's non-profit status for funding terrorism and for net earnings inuring to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual (e.g., remember the Unification Church), which are in the Tax Code, and for racial discrimination, which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
hi all!!
im insanely excited and absoluteky flooeed with my wifes reacton to my honesty on the wt....shes worried about returning to who she eas, wanting to do drugs and drink and be i ask many in my situation......whats next?!?!
Hi Jon Preston, How old was your wife when she wanted to do drugs and drink and be a party animal? Was she married to you? How much did your wife actualy do? Your wife is possibly not the same person who she was when she wanted to do drugs and drink and be a party animal.
She might have a lot more work overcoming the phobias that the WTBTS indoctrinates JWs with and the resulting personality changes than she would have overcoming desires to do drugs and drink now.
If she is so afraid of wanting to do drugs and drink, ask her if she would like to talk with a counselor. There are better options for both of you than being victimized by the WTBTS.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
i have been going to meetings since i was a child, long story short only recently i've started taking the truth seriously, i am not baptized but just an unbaptized publisher.
truth is i am so lonely in the congregation.
the other young people in the cong don't like me because they dont think i am going to "stay" for long, i've even worked on the ministry with an older brother and asked her am i giving the wrong impression to people?
nomorepain13 - I am planning on getting a job far away and moving out I think that is the best thing, but should I really talk to the elders about how I want to leave?
Hi nomorepain13, Welcome and I'm sorry that you are feeling so depressed.
If you do not want to feel more depressed, DO NOT talk to the elders about your feelings about leaving. It will only make matters worse for you . The WTBTS only wants JWs to serve a printing, print distribution, and real estate holding corporation. It does not want you to be successful and to enjoy life.
Use the internet to either confirm or deny your feelings. Independently research your beliefs. Visit reputable websites like,,, and If you do not provide many details about yourself, vent about your feelings and ask questions on JWN, because know one knows who you are and how to contact the elders in your congregation. If you talk about your feelings to JWs you may be marked and isolated more.
Add more details to your current plan to move away. Obtain more education/training to qualify for a well-paying career that you will enjoy, make more non-JW friends, and DO NOT get dunked until you have overcome your doubts.
If you decide that leaving the WTBTS is right for you, read books by exit-cult couselors like Steve Hassan (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones to Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visit his website, and watch his FREE videos on his website. The WTBTS is a dangerous cult that uses BITE control techniques to victimize JWs to always do more for the benefit of the WTBTS and not JWs. You will need help in overcome the WTBTS's indoctrinated phobias that you may have.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
one day, i'll have the courage to ask why she looks at me like that..
Cheer up quellycatface. Once you overcome your WTBTS induced phobias you will be free of the WTBTS and your life will have unlimited possibilities. That sister may never be more than a whipped slave to the WTBTS and her husband.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
hello jwn!
i don't get to check in here or comment as often as i would like because i have been working so hard at school...but i just have to share my news in hopes that newbees can see that taking the leap to enroll in higher education is worth it-.
i am graduating this spring with a bachelor degree in art history, minor anthropology...many people (including nonjw's have given me flack for choosing a "dead end" career path) but since leaving the watchtower organization's group-think mentality and "leaning on my own understanding" instead... i decided to say fuck everyone else's opinion...i am going to pursue my passion to work in a museum as a curator or archivist-.
Congratulations Coffee House Girl!! Trust your instincts.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
why did russian president vladimir putin ask the russian parliament to approve using military forces to keep the peace in the crimea, instead of asking the un?
why did the russian parliment pass a law approving military force instead of asking for the un to send peace keeping forces to the crimea (
is russia spiralling into a totalitarian dictatorship like germany in the 1930's and the soviet union from 1920's - 1990's with information control and coercive tactics?
Control information. Control people. A simple and effective formula.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,