This is the posting I remembered.
we just received this e mail.
it may or may not be true but it is making the rounds in dubdom.. here ya go.... just a quick note to let you know that out of the 9 dead and some .
injured in the run away car incident at the farmer's market in santa.
This is the posting I remembered.
we just received this e mail.
it may or may not be true but it is making the rounds in dubdom.. here ya go.... just a quick note to let you know that out of the 9 dead and some .
injured in the run away car incident at the farmer's market in santa.
He posted here once, a lengthy post several years back about his father, who was a very well known musician in the 1940's I think.
in the following thread:
black sheep mentioned that he informs jw's that other groups call themselves "the truth.
" which other groups do this?.
Several of my wife's family members are in a group who call themselves the "truth". They started in England in the late 1800's I think.
They believe they are the only true church. Their ministers are called "workers" and they travel together two at a time. Google 2X2 or Cooneyites or go to the above site. They meet in members homes - and do have members worldwide. Very fundamental. Most don't attend university but higher education isn't necessarily condemned.
They associate freely with my wife's family and are friendly. But don't get started on the subject of religion.
what if the watchtower stuck to their guns and didn't change the "generation" understanding?
when they came up with this totally ridiculous "overlapping generation" concept, i knew something was wrong.
there are people still alive who lived in 1914 today, they could have stuck to their guns or went with genesis 6:3, "after that jehovah said: my spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh.
What would happen if they just came clean and apologized? That they are sorry they mislead people? Admit they were wrong about the "generation" thing, 1914, blood transfusions?
in some previous posts i have asked certain questions that still haven't been answered.
so without going back to those threads and possibly de-railing them i thought it best to make a new topic.
please bear with me.. i have asked certain ones to prove the existence of god or christ without referencing any biblical writings or characters.
FHN - I've felt that some ex-JW's are still p roselytizing. Yes, they don't go from door to door. But until I began lurking here I'd never seen such lengthy, passionate argumentation about God, or even other topics. I've also noticed this in the political discussions here.
Very strongly held opinions. Certainly anyone has a right to those opinions. But IMO some ex-JWs are still trying to convert others. Not to become one of JW's, but to convince others their position is correct.
And they are RIGHT.
this is my first time participating in a site like this , so please.
forgive me if my approach is clumsy.. my story is not extraordinary and hardly interesting, so thanks.
in advance to this forum for extending the bandwidth for my own.
C.O.B.E. Beef, you have a PM
i'd like the input of the guys, maybe some of you who have been married or in a serious relationship for some time.
if you were having an affair and your wife found out about it, would you want her to tell you she knew?
would it serve a purpose, that is, make you end the affair, or on the other hand, push it over the edge to be with the other person?
I've been married for 37 years. Twice I've had friendships with women that turned into intense attraction (at least on my part), never anything physical. My wife knew I was friends with these women.
I was so stupid not to realize how uncomfortable it made her. I realized eventually that at least for me, any close friendships need to be only with men. Not sitting in judgement of anyone else. That's just how I handle it now.
I agree there is no such thing as "unbaised" news. The closest magazine I've seen, and my favorite, is The Economist. It's quite a bit to go thru each week (100 pages, and fairly complex articles). They are conservative in a way, criticizing what they feel is excessive government spending. But they are also quite moderate. I am a fiscal conservative and enjoy reading their articles about the world economy. They do cover the entire world on a weekly basis.
They endorsed John Kerry and Barack Obama in the last two US presidential elections. While endorsing Obama, shortly after the election and at times since, they have criticized him for various reasons. This has confused some in the US, who don't understand that you can endorse a person in an election but then disagree with some of their policies.
They describe themselves as "Liberal in the classical sense - endorsing freedom of expression and a free economy."
france to fine women who don full-face islamic veils in publicthe french government decided wednesday to impose a $185 fine on women who wear a full-face islamic veil in public, pushing ahead with a controversial ban despite signs of tension between france's muslims and the christian-tradition majority.
president nicolas sarkozy said his government was forwarding the legislation to parliament because it had a "moral responsibility" to uphold traditional european values in the face of an increasingly visible muslim population, estimated at more than 5 million, the largest in western europe.
he called the course chosen by his government "demanding" but "just," and he insisted that the law was not intended to stigmatize the country's muslims.
France should not attempt to regulate religion. If people want to obey their religion by wearing certain clothing, so be it.
This action (forbidding certain clothing) by France is racist.
There are many muslims in France. I've read they are roughly 8% of the population. If they want to exercise their religion, so be it. France is a democracy, yes? Get over it.
this is a question for all the christians on the board.
i sat through the first co talk last night which was basically a plea to not give up preaching.
one of his main points was that no one else had "the truth" and every other person that claims to be christian is in error.
"the Trinitarians pet translation, the KJV......"
Where do you get that? The KJV hasn't been the translation of choice (except for a few small groups) for quite some time.