Being an atheist is also a leap of faith
I stopped reading here.
believing in a god is a leap of faith.
being an atheist is also a leap of faith, and that goes for the evolutionists too.
i believe in absolute truth as found in the bible.
Being an atheist is also a leap of faith
I stopped reading here.
i curious to know what some of your beliefs are.
i believe that hell is separation from god, not being able to benefit from his protection and loving guidance.
i don't know if i believe in a fiery hell.. .
No. Reason? No evidence exists. Not even ancedotes.
king saul that the time had come for.
but after saul won the battle,.
That people should not invest so much of their time and energy into ancient writings for any kind of guidance, spiritual or otherwise . Seriously. Read for enjoyment.
estimates range from 4 million to 15 million children die from starvation each year on this planet.
that's between 500 and 1700 children a day, depending on what numbers you accept.
still, no matter which numbers you use, doesn't this make you arrive at one of the following conclusions?.
Sounds a lot like 'bot' talk.
what disgusting, sick, intolerant website........ .
i know this forum has had many favorite album threads.
the question i am asking is, what is your favorite album this second.
no lists please!
'Drive' movie soundtrack
do we have the right to judge god?.
this is an important question.
non-believers often become and remain non-believers because they judge that god is incomprehensible or malevolent, and therefore of dubious existence in the form believers claim.
When reading a novel, I can most certainly make judgements on any character in the book. After all, the story and characters are merely a concept in the mind of the author and can be subject to scrutiny.
Do we have a right to judge god? Well, god is just a concept in the minds of humans. Do I have a right to judge or question a cop, a judge, a king? That implies a measure of authority that they have over us. I don't subscribe to the fact that a concept or any myth has any kind of authority over me. In fact, it's ludicrous to think that an idea can have that much control over humans to even consider the question if it's ok for us to judge it.
this is a personal observation and certainly not representative of all atheists.
i enjoy discussions with folks of this persuasion; in general they appear well read and somewhat more educated than many believers.
as a group most atheists cringe and become insensed when discussing the existence of a deity with believers especially fundamentalists.
The quote below, I think, adequately explains why it is difficult to have discussions between theists and non-theists. Just my opinion.
"The human understanding is no dry light, but receives infusion from the will and affections; whence proceed sciences which may be called 'sciences as one would.' For what a man had rather were true he more readily believes. Therefore he rejects difficult things from impatience of research; sober things, because they narrow hope; the deeper things of nature, from superstition; the light of experience, from arrogance and pride; things not commonly believed, out of deference to the opinion of the vulgar. Numberless in short are the ways, and sometimes imperceptible, in which the affections color and infect the understanding."
- FRANCIS BACON, Novum Organon (1620)
Was at Joe's Apartment on Granville for game 2. As per everywhere else it was solidly packed! Funny thing was in the OT, I'd say about 80% of the people weren't really paying attention at the start and 11 seconds in, everyone was like what???!!??? After the game, the usual revelry on the streets.
today i got to thinking about a cross country road trip.
ive traveled 700 miles in a car before.
thats the furthest ive driven in america.
I'll be riding my bike across Canada starting in Victoria, BC (0 KM) and ending up in St. Johns, Newfoundland (0 KM). I'll be leaving in the middle of June. I say go for it. I've done other cycling trips and there is nothing like seeing a country in slow motion. Plus the generous and cool people you end up meeting along the way.