I've been following your story brodan and most times I just can't read the whole thread because it hurts so much.
Why? Because my best friend is going through the same crap and it makes me so angry. My friend's wife has threatened him with divorce over these very same issues that you're going through. What has help her is that she has seen me and others that have left and explain how this cult is just that, it is NOT Gods Organisation etc... she needed to see others (friends of hers) that have seen the light and that has helped her slowly wake up.
Otherwise, you just look like an apostate to her, single brodan against 7million 'happy' loyal followers of Jehovah, you wont win easily by yourself.
YKnot's idea (post 8657) is a great one I would go with that and play this slow and cool.
This F*****G CULT has a lot to answer for!!!
3Mozzies (I really am very sad over your situation)