JoinedTopics Started by Libelle
by Libelle in'k guys... if you're the romantic sort, let's talk about romance.
in my relationship, the mr is the tweety-hearts one, i'm the down to business one (if you follow my meaning - on the spectrum, he's on the romance end, i'm on the lust end).
what kinds of things, do you find romantic?
A Thank You
by Libelle inhey all, i haven't been posting a whole lot, but i've been reading.
i wanted to send a thank you to the majority of posters on here.
before i started digging deeper into this - i hated jws, hated any and every one i came into contact with and that did indeed spill over onto my husband.. the more i read about jw people (not the org) on this site, the more i've seen the mentality that the people in the org are cared about.
Does this link set off any of your cult bells?
by Libelle in
i know this isn't specifically a jw thing, but it does seem cultish to me, so i thought i'd ask you.
a family member is considering going, and it's just ringing all sorts of bells to me.
Today's my birthday!
by Libelle ini turn 35 today - since the mr. won't be celebrating with me - i thought i'd announce it here!.
Women as weaker vessel - explain?
by Libelle inok, the mr. constantly rolls his eyes and tells me i just don't understand anytime any of his literature shows up with something along the lines of "women are the weaker vessel.
" apparently (at least in his own little mind), it does not mean women are these delicate, breakable, weaker things, but something else... something more subtle.
anytime he's ever explained it to me (which has been a few years, i reckon), it's come out sounding like reason for women being second class citizens... is he just putting his own spin on it?
The WTBTS = Abusive Partner
by Libelle ini thought about this in the early days of the mr's conversion, thought i'd run this by you folks and see what you think.
i think, sometimes, that the wts took it's ideas right out of "how to be an abuser 101" text book.. 1. isolation - both of them do their darnest to isolate the new convert/victim from her/his previous life, family friends, interests.
tell them they're a bad influence, tell them "they hate me" or hell, tell them they're just tools of satan to get them out of the victim's life.. 2. create a dependence upon the abuser/wts - there's no one else who will love you/have the right doctrine like i/we do.
Meeting topics that cover sex
by Libelle inoccassionally the mr will say that "some visitors are shocked because we will talk about sex, even with children in attendance.
" what exactly are they talking about in these meetings.
things like "don't masturbate" or things like if you position yourself like this, and your woman like this while having sex, then you're fornicating?.
How does a person move up in the WTS?
by Libelle ini guess i should have said, "how does a man move up" since they're a male-only ruling class.... what does it take to become an elder, and so on up?
i don't really think the mr. is in the running for any special titles, but just in case in the future something along these lines happens, how does the hierarchy work?
(probably not a true consideration, being that he's married to me, but hey, i'm sure stranger things have happened).. .
Married to the mob... er to a JW, want to talk about it?
by Libelle inthe mr is a jw-started back into studying 3 years ago, got baptized 2 years ago.
i've never been one, nor have an interested (was raised catholic, now am a pagan - uu).. i'm just starting this thread to see how you all deal with it.. thanks.
Hello from a Pagan UBM
by Libelle ini'm just introducing myself before i get to know the site a little.
i'm "libelle," i'm a pagan married to a man who's now a jw.
he was not this way when our relationship first started.