JoinedTopics Started by kat7302
Limericks R us!
by kat7302 inokay, we have a jw songs thread going on which you should check out cos its cool but what about a limerick one too????????.
ill start........... there once were some people so gullible.
they lived and they slept by their bible.
An interesting quote from a book
by kat7302 inafter a visit to the doctor to discuss my personal experiences and metal stability (or not as the case may be!!!!!!!!
she recommended that i buy a certain book.
im not sure about whether im allowed to mention the author of the title (ironically enough, it has the same title as one of the jw books!
PAEDOPHILE in Llantwit Major Congregation-UK
by kat7302 inthere is a paedophile in the llantwit major congregation in south glamorgan,uk.
he was disfellowshipped from barry congregation following a judicial meeting where approximately 20 sisters aged between 9 and upwards gave statements accusing him of alledgely commiting......child abuse, indecent behaviour and rape.
he of course denied all allegations and the elders did their best to protect him and took years to finally get the situation sorted but eventually, they had no way in which to protect him anymore so he was removed from the congregation.
Billy Joel-surely a god?????
by kat7302 injust thought i would take some time to worship billy joel!!!!!!
is there any need to build him up.......come worship with me people!
The mystery of the parting sea
by kat7302 incan someone please answer me why when thousands and millions of eygptians were covered when the seas rejoined following moses's triumphant journey through, have there never been any artifacts or things recovered from the sea?
i havent researched fully into this but i have asked my parents about it and i believe they looked it up and couldnt find any archealogical evidence to support the 'story'!
surely if all these people died, with all their spears,chariots etc etc......something would have been found?
One more lost soul-boring story,dnt bother reading
by kat7302 ini was raised a witness and spent 15 years of my life trying to make my parents proud of me.
i was baptised at 11, aux pioneered, was on assemblies etc etc and i succeeded in being the spiritual daughter they wanted.
i left at 15 and this meant leaving home too.
What makes people into pain and stuff?
by kat7302 inokay, without going into my own preferences here, why is it that some people are really into painful sex and things like strangulation etc.......does it have anything to do with their upbringing or personal experiences?
id love to know what makes me, me and whether id still be into the same things if i wasnt raised as a witness.
I need some new sexual ideas to try!
by kat7302 inhi there,im currently having the best godamn sex of my life,im afraid to admit that i am seriously perverse and into just about everything you can be!
problem is, im running out of new things to try!
anybody know any weird and wonderful things that i may not have done?
Calling all UK people, especially near CARDIFF
by kat7302 inhiya.
id love to catch up with anyone near cardiff or within that circuit.
i used to be in barry congregtion but my parents were so well known and 'in' it, we went to tons of different congregations around there.
the mystery of the orgasm...please help me!
by kat7302 inwithout going into too much of my personal life here cos i really do have great sex!!!!!
basically, being brought up to believe that masturbation was wrong i think has affected my adult sex life!
hard to type this without being physically sick but whenever i masturbated wen i was young,i always felt if i didnt cum,i hadnt sinned as much!