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JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
What's Wrong with the Watchtower?
by Vanderhoven7 innot sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
I was wondering how this would play out in JW land.
by wolverines ini have a niece who is trying to get pregnant.
she was telling me her husband had to go to a room with porn in it and masturbate into a cup to get tested.
i never thought of this before but but how would a jw handle this.
The elders would probably say - Invite your wife in there with you to act your as your help-meet. Problem solved.
What's Wrong with the Watchtower?
by Vanderhoven7 innot sure who wrote this list a while back but i think it is worth a be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.. what's wrong with the watchtower.
"overlapping generations" - this teaching makes no sense.
the word used by jesus is in the singular, not plural form.. .
Not sure who wrote this list a while back but I think it is worth a be added to or subtracted from or modified...whatever.
What's Wrong With The Watchtower
"Overlapping generations" - This teaching makes no sense. The word used by Jesus is in the singular, not plural form.
2,520 years prophecy fabricated from a supposed second fulfillment of Daniel 4, linked to a single word in Luke 21:24, uses numbers for counting found in Revelation 11:2,3 and a applies a mathematical formula found in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6 all to get to 1914. Prophecy originates with Baptist minister William Miller, then adapted by the Adventists, and finally adapted by C.T. Russell. Prophecy of 1914 has changed over time.
2300 days prophecy - From WT article in 1938 to Annual Meeting in 1944??? Days don't add up. Neither does the prophecy fit as the prophecy is about the "constant feature" being "taken away". The “constant feature” is said to be the preaching work, but publisher counts show a marked increase over this time period based on counts in each Yearbook.
Multiple times for the 2300 days prophecy to be fulfilled. Per 1959 WT, “Count now from the beginning of this International Convention of London on May 25, 1926, and we shall find that the 2,300 days of evenings and mornings bring us to October 15, 1932.. Per Daniel’s Prophecy book, June 1 or 15, 1938 to October 2, 1944.
Other prophecies like #3 above where the number of days don't add up, and prophecies are tied to WT articles or conventions.
Very little mention of Christ most of the time. Lip service, to be sure, but when there's ample opportunity to bring Christ into the conversation, it usually doesn’t happen.
Big on preaching work, small on charity work. Disaster relief is fine, but many people and organizations do this. This is not a differentiator. No community charities. No helping the hungry. No “daily distribution”. (Acts 6:1)
Preaching includes warning the wicked, when that was not the commission from Christ. (Matt 28:19)
Preaching the “good news of the kingdom” rarely includes inviting people to come to Christ, when Christ is a large part of the good news. (Acts 5:42)
Us vs. them. The world is all bad, other religions don't preach the way we do, etc.
Binding up heavy loads. One is made to feel that they can never do enough.
Boasting all the time.
While it is said salvation is not earned, the message given to JWs is that they have to do “works” of preaching, meetings, etc. to have salvation.
Viewing “works” as preaching, meetings, studying instead of works of the spirit: showing love to others, taking care of brothers and neighbors who are downtrodden.
Promoting a web site is considered preaching?
Distributing a magazine about how bad pornography is or how God feels about smoking is considered preaching the GOOD NEWS?
Cherry picking scriptures to support a teaching.
Taking scriptures out of context to support a teaching.
Making nearly every prophecy in the Hebrew Scriptures a dual prophecy.
Prohibiting partaking of the bread and the wine when Christ said that unless one eats his flesh and drinks his blood, they would have no life in themselves. (John 6:43) Christ NEVER limited this to the 144,000.
Saying that the New Covenant is limited to 144,000. No scripture says this.
Adding to or removing words from scriptures (e.g. "me" at John 14:14 where most translations and even the Interlinear says: "If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.")
Saying worship of Jesus is wrong when Daniel 7:14 shows people would, in fact, be serving him.
Only figuring out who the “faithful and discreet slave” really is over 90 years after their supposed appointment.
Demanding unquestioning obedience to an organization.
Saying God is directing the organization when God gave Christ that assignment. (Eph 1:22)
Judging people as spiritually weak or spiritually strong based on meeting attendance and time spent distributing literature.
Counting time spent distributing literature. (I can see counting actual placements since that is useful to know how many to print.)
Defining knowing the appearance of the flock to mean knowing how many hours each person put on their monthly report. (Prov 27:23)
Disfellowshipping people for doing things not even talked about in the Bible.
Shunning disfellowshipped people (the Bible says not to eat with such a man, but doesn't say not to say a greeting.)
Viewing disfellowshipped people as antichrists (these are the only ones the Bible says not to say a greeting to.)
Questions for baptism. There is no scriptural precedent for this.
Not baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Teaching that one must dedicate themselves to Jehovah in prayer before baptism. There is no scriptural precedent for this.
Viewing most JWs as not sons of God.
Viewing most JWs as not belonging to Christ.
Viewing most JWs as not part of the new covenant.
Making Jesus the mediator ONLY for the 144,000. (w09 4/15 p. 27 par. 14, 15; w08 12/15 pp. 13-14 par. 12,13; w00 11/15 p. 11 par. 8) The “great crowd” are simply “beneficiaries”.
Making every JW a teacher when James 3:1 says, "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive heavier judgment."
No beards for men. Only Christ can wear one (based on pictures in the publications… Christ usually has a beard, but JWs do not.).
Secretive letters / book for elders.
Class system among preachers based on the number of hours they spend preaching.
Teaching about a “paradise earth” when the phrase cannot be found in the Bible. Jesus never taught this, but instead taught the “Kingdom of heaven”. Two of the three occurrences of the word “Paradise” in the Greek scriptures clearly referred to heaven. The one at Luke 23:43 doesn’t say either way, but one must ask: what did the criminal on the stake understand “Paradise” to be? Earthly? Or heavenly? What did Jesus teach? “In the house of my Father are many dwelling places. Otherwise, I would have told you, for I am going my way to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2) The one occurrence in the Hebrew scriptures was used in a sensual way in Song of Solomon.
No verse in the Bible gives the idea that only 144,000 go to heaven.
No verse in the Bible teaches that the 144,000 are kings and priests. Revelation 5:8-10 says: “...with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.” This describes the “great crowd” more than it does the 144,000, who are “out of every tribe of the sons of Israel.” (Rev 7:4).
Flip-flopping on teachings.
Using Proverbs 4:18 as an excuse to teach one thing, then later change it, saying it’s “new light”, an adjustment, a refinement. Never an apology issued for erroneous teachings.
JWs must accept teachings in the publications over what the Bible says or face disfellowshipping as apostates.
Teaching is “top down”, that is, from the Governing Body or Writing Department down to the publishers. There is scriptural precedent that teaching can be lateral. 1 Cor. 14:26-33 describes this, but that it should be done orderly. With JWs, one must “wait on Jehovah”, which equates with waiting until an article comes out that addresses the topic. One can be waiting for a very long time.
Hymnal propaganda
by Vanderhoven7 inbeautiful tune, great artwork, powerful scare tactics .
Beautiful tune, great artwork, powerful scare tactics
Watchtower Sudy 12 July.the Kings of North & South (from 05/20 issue)
by BluesBrother init is a challenge next sunday for them .
due to starting the convention programme the wt study will be a 30 minute run through ,and deals with this prophecy ... i doubt the younger ones are familiar with it at all bur oldies could debate it at length .we on the look out for the king of the north to enter "the land of decoration" (more to follow,maybe next week).
this article makes a grand claim in par 2.
Here is an interesting analysis of the King of the north article.
Thoughts on Sunning and blood Doctrines.
by Phizzy ini have a couple of thoughts on the blood and shunning doctrines, both of which have been covered well before.
here, and on j.w and elsewhere.. but i would like to point out the following, the only scriptures they can use in reality for their blood doctrine are the verses from acts chapter 15. o.t verse are really out of the question, and dishonest to use on their part, as they do not follow most of the injunctions in there!.
the context of acts 15 is a council of the apostles and others in the jerusalem congregation, to decide what they should ask of gentile christians in the way of behaviours and practices etc, as jewish christians were demanding they comply with the mosaic law, or were, at the very least offended if they did not.
Blood policies and Shunning
Those who unrepentantly take blood transfusions will be disfellowshipped and shunned and God will have to destroy them at Armageddon.
But if they took blood repeatedly prior to 1945 and even administered transfusions while doing alternative service for the Red Cross during WWI they would not have forfeited their right to survive Armageddon.
Sometimes it's best not to catch up to Jehovah's chariot too quickly.
Did the Apostafest happen?
by Biahi indid flipper host the apostafest, or was it cancelled due to covid 19?.
Well here is one I believe is still on
coming up July 24-26th? Learn more here:
Honest assessment of my life
by silent3 inmy old account was silent and i had to create a new account which kind of bums me, but here i am.. over the years i've really experienced some rough times emotionally and spiritually which led me down many paths.
being angry most all of time with a few outbursts really started to make me take stock of what was wrong with me.
further i started really going back and trying to figure out where i went wrong.. so i revisted all my previous posts on here.
I had made some statements about the FDS which called them into question although I never said they weren't God's channel.
Let me tell you, the FDS are not God's channel. The living anointed in 1900 were not Gods channel; in 1916, Pastor Russell was not God's channel, in 1932 the living anointed again were not God's channel and in 2012, the popes in Brooklyn now Warwick are not God's channel, nor were the Watchtower leaders in 1919 the original channel. It's just Watchtower's insupportable mythology that they ever channeled truth to mankind or that they were ever given a mandate or ability to interpret scripture for anyone.
What the Heck are they talking about in todays meeting 7-19-20 Wife in full on cult mode
by goingthruthemotions inso what the heck are they brainwashing today in the meeting or what ever.
she is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
she asked me to listen to a couple of talks and i respectfully declined.
Hope you can take a breather from all this. Your wife is a victim of brainwashing as you perhaps once were. Remember, in sickness and in health, she needs your love. It will help if you remember her motivation. She wants you to be spared at Armageddon; she wants to be with you in Paradise. Demonstrating unconditional love, as her God and organization never will, can go a long way in healing your relationship.
What the Heck are they talking about in todays meeting 7-19-20 Wife in full on cult mode
by goingthruthemotions inso what the heck are they brainwashing today in the meeting or what ever.
she is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
she asked me to listen to a couple of talks and i respectfully declined.
Why not accept her challenge? Say you will listen to a JW talk if she will listen to an anti-JW talk which you could select very carefully.