If this situation ever gets worldwide attention, the WT will simply announce that the Great Tribulation has started and that Satan is attacking Jehovah's organization knowing that Armageddon is just around the corner... more JWs will get baptized and even more will pioneer... The WT has everything covered.... dumbed-down membership (check), best pedophile lawyers in the world (check), bilions in real estate ready to be sold (check).... did I miss anything?
Posts by Alfred
Breaking News from Steve Unthank - Police Launch Investigation into Traralgon Congregation
by Broken Promises inaustralia, breaking news: police launch investigation into the rape and molestation of a number of children with the traralgon congregation of jehovah's witnesses.
jw news can report that victoria police have launched an investigation into the rape and molestation of a number of children within the traralgon congregation of jehovah's witnesses over the past two years.
according to initial reports,... the body of elders were strictly ordered by the watchtower bible and tract society of australia to cover-up the multiple rapes of a number of children within the traralgon congregation allegedly committed by a fellow member of the jehovah's witness religion.
December 18, 2011, a member of the GB will be in South Africa at last year's Soccer World Cup Final stadium...
by african GB Member in...soccer city stadium.. they are selling tickets to go and listen to a gb member talk for about 3 hours.. they price them at r20.00/ $2.40.
One South African R20 = $2.40 USD x 78,000 JWs = $187,200 USD (not including donations)
But I've never heard of the WT charging admission fees for conventions (aside from the times they've charged for parking at some conventions in the US when it was already included in the stadium rental agreement)...
What's Everyone's Favorite JW "Urban Legend?"
by Jaypeeto inmy personal favorite, popular in my area in 1982, was the story that little plastic "smurf" dolls were biting the ankles of hapless witness moms who had bought the demonic toys for their little children.
does everyone have a favorite laugh-out-loud jw urban legend?
please share!.
An elder once asked me: "Alfred, are you sure you didn't accept a gift from someone who might be involved with demons somehow?"... he was basically trying to figure out why I was frequently "irregular" (in Field Circus, not bowel movements)...
I just noticed, with the 6/15 WT last year, they 'apostasised" themselves
by EndofMysteries inup to the 10/95 awake it had on the fine print about the generation of 1914, it was erased from then on.
the 11/95 watchtower then said this on page 17, "eager to see the end of this evil system, jehovah's people have at times speculated about the time when the "great tribulation" would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. however, we "bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation..... .
so they pretty much blame the membership for believing that those alive since 1914 or what makes the generation on them for believing, even though they themselves had taught it.
Speculating about dates is NOT AUTHORIZED. -Acts 1:7
... yet the GB have given themselves permission to do something that the apostles were not allowed to do by Jesus...
Why are JW's so boring?
by howdidtihappen ini hung out with a group of jw's the other night for the first time outside going to kingdom hall, and the conversation was seriously limited.
do jw's just not want to talk about anything that regular people with a clue about something in the world get together to talk about, or are they really that boring due to the brainwashing?
it was astonishing.
Because they are constantly reviewing the Watchtower Rule Book in their head before making any decisions on what to do or say... it almost paralyzes them...
Lord, to whom would we go away to? ... Who is your mediator?
by ShadesofGrey ini am writing up some things, thinking about making some brochures to distribute to jws.
here is one of the first, as this question is what broke me free.
i am playing with the idea of putting the scriptures and watchtower quotes on one page tracts or even billboards, anyway, here you have it:.
If You Have Had the CO or DO Stay With You...
by A question infor those of you who have had the co/do stay with you for the week:.
how was the experience?.
how did they spend their free time?
In the late 70's, we had CO Rene Vazquez (mentioned in COC) over for lunch a few times... He was a pleasant, humble and spoke from the heart.
Do YOU Believe That JWs Have A Huge Problem With Pedophiles?
by minimus ini don't think there are more pedophiles in the religion than there are in others.. i understand that one is too many.
but i think some believe that it's an epidemic within the organization.
i believe their 2 witness rule can help pedophiles secretly abuse kids.. but i don't think that this particular crime dominates those in the religion.. .
Lady Lee... that's just terrible.... I'm really sorry to learn your story..... I must say, you're incredibly strong.
How come you have to wait on Jehovah? Shouldn't he be faster than you?
by dgp inif jehovah created the universe, knows it all, et cetera, and then he has a direct line to the governing body, how come you're always told to "wait on jehovah"?
can a simple earthling be faster in his or her reasoning than yhwh?
can s/he notice something jehovah will miss?.
Whenever there's a question that the WT can't answer, the proof text that usually gets defaulted to is Micah 7:7...
But this text is simply referring to Micah's need to wait on Jehovah to settle the corruption that existed in the society that this prophet was living in... Micah wasn't waiting on Jehovah for any Nu-Lite or "further clarification" of the latest flip-flop or anything having to do with doctrine or prophecies...
As a matter of fact, when it comes to doctrines or prophecies that we have questions on, the Bible says that we should NOT wait on Jehovah (Deu 18:20-22, 1 Tes 5:21, 1 John 4:1)...
Does being a JW and having a felony up your value in the kingdom hall?
by 2tone inmaybe this has been previously been discussed.
in my area in the us.
it seems that jw men that are felons or have served time seem to have more value.
what Prodigal Son said...
The WT does have a way of "softening" men to the point of making them "unattractive" push-overs... the only problem with that is that the hottest JW women tend to go for the rebel types (while the plain-Janes simply get the left-overs in the congo)... so getting out of prison and becoming a JW puts does tend to "up your value" at least with the hot chicks in the congo... (also, if you were a cop or just got out of the military) ...I hate to generalize but that has been my observation...