As far as Terri's brain functions, she is just trapped in her own body. I'm pretty sure you've seen the footage and heard sound bites of her trying to communicate with her family. It really looks like she's trying her best, but her brain won't let her do anything more. Surely, it's no way to live, but starving her to death is no way to die, either.
This weekend I'm calling my mother to relate my wishes if anything were to ever incapacitate me. If put in a coma where life support machines would be necessary, I would want to be taken off of them after a complete and thorough prognosis of my situation (if the prognosis was not good). If I were to ever contract a terminal illness (cancer or a degenerative brain disease), I want a DNR (do not rescusitate)order.
I know this will offend some, but if I was in Terri Schiavo's situation, I would hire Jack Kevorkian or some other clandestine euthanist for a quick and painless death. Trapped in my own body using a range of grunts, and being talked to like I was an infant is not how I want to live.
Now I'm not saying to kill Terri in that way--this is the way that I want to die if I was in her situation. The decision for Terri should be made by her parents who still have an abundance in love and caring for her, and not her husband, who was waiting to get rid of her since he first heard the words "Persistent Vegetative State."