Remember a TRUE friend will stay with you no matter what. TRUE friends are hard to come by. Once I left JW's I had no one. The very small group of woman (3) that I thought were my TRUE friend, I confided in with my thoughts and asked for help/direction. During the evening while speaking to them they smiled, stayed polite, encouraged me to not give up, hugged me, told me that they would always be around (I felt good that I was honest to them). We ended the evening well with a dinner and a couple of drinks. Talked about girl stuff and after that night, they didn't want to talk to me at the meetings, didn't return phone calls, didn't send a nice note, wouldn't look at me. They pretended that I was DF'd already. Finally I asked them after the meeting if we could all "talk" they agreed and accused me of being "worldly" "Bad company" then an elder came by (which they set up to see me) and he also wanted to "talk." They told him everything that I felt and thought about. After that sad night, I cried, I was hurt, but I also got over it and thank god I got out. Now I have GREAT friends. Sadly, these so-called friends were never my friends in the first place. Move on be happy. It will take a while for strong.