I turned down numerous positions. This was in the middle 1960's.
After High School I pioneered....... same boring old congregation....... same neighborhoods in field service. So I decided to make a change and pioneer where the need was great.
I went from a large NY City congregation to a rural area in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Within a week I was asked to give my public talk all over the circuit as my new congregation had only one mature ex missionary servant holding everything together.
Since he was the only brother qualified I was urged to continue pioneering, give my weekly public talk until we had 'paid' back those congregations who had sent their speakers to us.
I also became the assistant presiding minister and the Ministry School servant. I filled in other positions as needed.
I courted my future wife....... a 'casual' JW and served for three years...... until enough became enough and we wanted to experience real life. Get some advanced education. Do something with our lives other then knock on doors.
When we moved back to my Mother's home we presented as active JW's and we tried out a couple of Kingdom Halls where I had a fair number of friends.
It was during this time that I was recruited to take on various positions. Ones that I had already served in. I danced around the offers and postponed even joining a congregation.
A year went by while I finished a Trade school and could find a job. We moved out of my JW mother's house and we were free and clear of being a JW. Never took any position in any congregation......never even joined or attended a meeting in any congregation.
We were going to live free and clear.
And we did.