This is the claim mad in the November 2016 Watchtower mag -
"We live in exciting times. The earth-
ly part of Jehovah’s organization is
growing in many ways, but growth ne-
cessitates change."
Unfortunately for them the growth isn't in numbers.
so that was a "shocker".
i was not able to attend the meeting.
i had a more important one with my other apostate friends in the area.
This is the claim mad in the November 2016 Watchtower mag -
"We live in exciting times. The earth-
ly part of Jehovah’s organization is
growing in many ways, but growth ne-
cessitates change."
Unfortunately for them the growth isn't in numbers.
The November 2016 has an interesting article. The mag firstly talks about modesty (in behaviour). The last article states that the older men with positions should train the younger men then step aside to let the younger ones take over. It discusses a number of reasons why including the fact that younger ones are more energetic.
It is clear from the article that further changes are in the pipeline and that includes more reassignments of positions to younger ones.
It would also suggest you that it would be appropriate for older ones to step down and by doing so, they would be showing a number of Christian qualities, including modesty.
It is ironic to see this article includes a photo of two guys in tight pants and coloured socks, I can't help but feel it is a direct message to Morris and the need for him to be modest by training younger ones and stepping down for them to take over.
letter sent today to the ministry of justice... .
spain bethel sent a letter recently last oct 3 interpreting that no elder or sm should request a certificate of sexual offenses as other churches or persons in contact with kids.
again interprets the law to their behalf.. a group of elders in madrid has sent this letter to ask clarification !!.
Great work So. It may have been good to mention the occasions when Elders and MSs are alone with minors. This includes witnessing work, bible studies and occasions when minors approach Elders. Also that by their positions alone, minors have absolute trust in them and are indoctrinated to obey them. It is also a practice of theirs to have minors approach an Elder to confess a sin.
You could also have said that it has become evident that they do have child molesters already appointed as Elders and MSs.
It's not too late to send another letter.
well, i went to the kh.... why?
i had my reasons, but i had a real nice cocktail before hand.
anyway, the talk was "why does god permit suffering?
Why do they even talk about marriage and sex in front of young children?
just skimming the latest study wt that has been posted and what did i see...?.
i wonder what the message is that they want the flock to take from this picture?.
there is also an article about training younger men to take over responsibilities.
What stands out as being the most offensive from this photo is the nationality of the guys in the photo. Why on earth would they differentiate different nationalities of the guys in the slimmer pants?
My personal preference for dress is the guy second from the left but his hairstyle is pretty awful and shows a lack of interest in looking smart, there's nothing at all about it that emphasis being well groomed.
Certainly the guy on the far left is dressed modestly but what a horror story. The colour of his suit is very outdated and imo, yucky. It is so baggy as to give an overall impression of being untidy, there are creases showing from top to bottom.
what's the greatest advantage in becoming a roman catholic after leaving the jehovah's witnesses some 17 years ago?
why, it's the way it totally irritates people and really pushes their buttons...that is, if you are one of the unfortunate jehovah's witnesses who happens across my door during field service.
i have developed several techniques to make it very frustrating to the unwary witness who hopes to make headway at my house.
The opening post is funny and has the added benefit of working on both JWs and Catholics😉.
just a few minutes till the start ..... we hope for a news from absalom and wifibandit very soon.. wifibandit, any tread on reddit for am?.
also there were some info about live stream.
any news about that..
The JWs would have a very hard time adapting due to coffee breaks being ruled out.
i've always had the impression that they frowned upon it, but never quite knew for sure.....
sad days for me.
i have been doing the above and came across various notes letters i had kept down the years.
there were some letters from my mother.. some i have kept others were from beginning to end all wt dogma.
The JW religion is a very captivating cult and it's sad to see some get sucked in too far.
Enjoy what you can from her letters.
what a horror.
instead of there being "more fish in the sea" our marriage mates came from the small and crapy witness pond.
anyone got burned by going with mr or mrs you will have to do?
Fortunately the Brother I was involved with made it clear what he expected from a good and dutiful wife so I was able to break it off before taking the big plunge. He didn't find another victim for 10 years after that.