Although not a new concept by the Watchtower, particularly in public talks and at assemblies, they have now put this prophecy in writing.
Watchtower Oct 2019 page 8 -13 Study No.40 titled -
The first paragraph asks '1. What convinces us that we are living in “the last days”?'
Nothing new here, the Watchtower has taught that humans have been living in the last days since 1914 for decades now and point to the signs that we are all familiar with.
The second paragraph then introduces the statement that we are now in the last of the 'last days' stating
Because so much time has passed since 1914, we must now be living in the last of “the last days.” Since the end is so near, we need to know the answers to some important questions: What events will occur at the end of “the last days”? And what does Jehovah expect us to do while we wait for those events?
They admit that they cannot give a date so instead they have basically sectionalized the last days. We know they teach that the start of the last days was in 1914 but they don't state when the start of the last of the last days began. Surely they know if they claim we are in those days.
For decades they have claimed that Armageddon was imminent and put that in writing and since losing their old teaching regarding 'this generation' they have not been so specific in the publications.
There is nothing to substantiate this claim other than the fact that 105 years have passed since 1914 and because of this length of time they say we must be living in the last of the last days. Not even their latest 'this generation' supports the idea. But there is not one thing in the bible that they can point to or do point to, which identifies this period (the last of the last days) and that includes any prophecies therefore they are making up their own prophecy about living in this specific time.
In the paragraph posted above they ask what will occur at the end of these last days and what does God want them to do whilst
they wait for the end of the last days. But the real question that arises from this paragraph is - How can they be in the last of the last days when they acknowledge that they are not at the end of the last days? Because according to them, there are certain defined events that will occur at the Great Tribulation which occurs prior to Armageddon and at the end of the last days. According to their own teachings they can't be in the last of the last days since the GT occurs at the end of the last days then that is the last of the last days.
Evidently, what they mean is that they are now living in the last of the last days of the period before the GT which occurs in the last of the last days.
Overlapping generations anyone?
Naturally the rank & file are lapping this up and why we are seeing the hysteria increasing (again).