The Jehovah's Witnesses remind me of the parable Jesus gave.
Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? But he answered and said, Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Matthew 15
Interesting. Every plant, or religion, which the Father has not planted, or established, shall be rooted up.
The Jehovah's Witnesses try to mimic the New Testament by establishing a Governing Body similar to the Twelve Apostles. They're described as "a central group of experienced elders who oversee the worldwide congregation."
I love how the website just throws out completely unsubstantiated information, such as: "During the 19th century, sincere Bible students calculated that the waiting period would end in 1914. World events that began in 1914 confirm that the calculation of these sincereBible students was correct. The fulfillment of Bible prophecy shows that in 1914, Christ became King and God’s heavenly Kingdom began to rule.
What really astounds me is that all J.W. literature all sounds like it was written by some guy they keep in a closet with a typewriter somewhere.
Now these leaders don't receive the word of God directly as the ancient apostles and prophets did, but if not, then how do we know they know what they're talking about? What if they just changed the dates and then didn't tell anyone? And what if those buzzwords in red were just put there to manipulate people? (Of course I know they wouldn't do that...I'm just giving a hypothetical.) And it they are blind, meaning they don't receive any revelation as the ancient apostles did, and we're blind, meaning we don't receive such revelation, either, then wouldn't they be blind leaders leading the blind (us)? I mean, let's say I'm a sincere Bible student of the 21st Century and that I calculate differently? And what if the fulfillment of Bible prophecy confirms/shows that I'm right and they're wrong?
For example, what if Bible prophecy stated that the Jews would gather back to the lands of their inheritance? The "Bible Students" back before 1914 wouldn't have known that because it hadn't happened (nevertheless it would have been prophecied) until 1948 or so.
Look, I'm just sayin' that God never told anyone that he was choosing those suits in Bethel to speak for him. He certainly never told me, and I don't see them listed in the Bible. Of course, maybe it's me. Maybe I missed the New York Times the day God announced it. To me, it sounds an awful lot like self appointment...kind of like (how should I say it?) this is all a "manmade" religion.