JoinedTopics Started by Stargater
Verses That Teach A Paradise Earth
by Philadelphia Ponos inwhat verses does the society use as proof of a future paradise earth.
i know they are mostly in psalms and isaiah but i don't know where.
can someone who knows off the top of their head post them?.
The Three Common Complaints by JWs Against "False Religion"
by sd-7 in1. false doctrines, all taught to keep people in darkness, all done by those claiming to speak for god!.
2. misconduct by the leaders and by the followers with impunity (ie.
child abuse, adultery, etc., etc.)..
WARNING for active JW's
by Anony Mous inas you may have heard if you attended recently, social networking is of the devil and many have been 'lead astray' by website supposedly set up for jw.
whatever, you heard it before about rock, hard rock, hip hop, rap, gangsta rap, tv, werewolves .... anyway you may have heard of the recent elder school where basically there were the proverbial tongue lashings about not having social networking sites.
here is the skinny on recent developments:.
using the name "jehovah"
by finallyfree! ini find it to be frankly disrespectful.
im a father, if my kids were to call me by my first name id find that wierd.
we address judges with "your honor" and various other titles, so why on earth would we call the almighty god by his first name?
Talking To Non-Believers In An Informal Setting?
by Stargater inyou're a dedicated member of the society and you've got a fist full of literature in your desk dawer at work.
in the break room you see someone reading a religious book or pamphlet.
you strike up a conversation with the person and the person shows interest.
What Happens If Members Read This Site? (And Other Questions)
by Stargater infirst, i read an account that says members are often baptized more than once if they feel so disposed.
in conventional christianity, partaking of the bread and wine is done in rememberance of their baptism.
one is symbolic of death and renewal; the other is done to remember the body and blood of the savior.
Apostasy and Df question
by jam inspeaking hypothetically, a elder can not except the logic on the.
new understanding of the doctrine change (over lapping generation).. he voice his concern to his wife, she being a good jw , tell the elders.. the brother have not spoke to anyone in the cong.
about his doubt.. the elders question him, he remains firm, he tell the brothers, i have.
1914: Jesus Chooses Jehovah's Church?
by Stargater into those who lurk, or to those on the brink of leaving the ranks of jehovah's witnesses, try for a moment to put yourselves in the position of we who are not members.
i just bought a book by a former jw, and while i really don't put much credence in the works of apostates i do know how to read in between the lines for things i know to be accurate.
for example, i've read how jesus, in 1914, inspected all of the world's religions and selected the hari'm sorry, the jehovah's the one true religion.. to say the least, this sounds a little strange to the uninitiated.