Kind of funny how they really seem to believe that they can control the thinking of their members and especially the public by restricting reading materials.
JoinedPosts by sunglasses
2 Tier Watchtower Publications- 1) For Regulars and 2) For Door-to-Door
by dreamgolfer infolks, i dont post much although i have been raised a jw all my life.. it has been awhile since this begain to bother me but i have to ask...what is the true story of why the wtbts created a 2nd edition for wt magazine placement purposes only?
i have been puzzled but can only suppose the reasons, costs, control, etc...but truly did they think that when ct russell started the magazine it was for all to read, not published for a "select few" and if you come regular to the meetings we'll get you the "real issue" with real articles?.
i know this has probably been discussed over and over, but please humor me and tell me how they can with a straight face "they" think this was "ok" to publish in this manner.. this alone smacks of hypocrasy, as it was not the intention of the faithful slave to do such a thing when jesus put control on earth in ct's hands, funny how that works out.
April 15th WT - WT Society says " Obeying Us is Same as Obeying God "
by flipper inthis is a non-study article in the witness only version of the april 15th titled " do you discern the evidence of god's guidance ?
" essentially in this article the alleged " faithful slave " is telling witnesses that to be approved to survive armageddon- they will have to recognize the " faithful & discreet slave's " authority in their lives.. notice these direct quotes from pg.
4 , " jesus christ is the assigned leader of the congregation.
sounds like they are encouraging idol worship - apostates!!!
Higher Education June 15th Watchtower 2011
by jwfacts in"higher education: jesus warned against seeking your own glory.
(john 7:18) whatever you decide as to how much secular education you will obtain, have you made sure of the more important things?phil.
1:9,10.. grzegorz, the computer programmer, made some changes in his life.
This crap is so nauseating I can't read most of the posts. Hard to believe that they are STILL teaching people to live for today and not to worry about tomorrow, except for when the "end" comes. How many of us old timers know window washers, janitors, gardeners, cleaning ladies, etc, who are now in their 60s and 70s, and still trying to bend over or reach up without pain. My brother's 72 year old mother in law is still cleaning houses to augment her husband's pitiful income so they can just get by. I dropped out of college in my third year because 1975 was looming. What a loser was I. So naive, and I continued to be brain-washed for the next 25 years. If I hadn't gone to vocational school in the 80s and had remained in the cult, I would still be living in a studio apt somewhere with my eyes just glossed over, like so many I see today.
I am now happy and I know it. Oh, and live in a house on a hill with company and animals and god's green earth all around. These poor kids, oh my.
WT Men as Squegee Men - Is it true?
by Band on the Run ini know that since the witnesses don't like education b/c one might learn to think, members are consigned to certain jobs.
brothers held jobs as cheap soe salesman, that type of thing.
some security without a gun.
Not just window cleaning but house and office cleaning. No health ins, no life ins, no savings or retirement. At 60+ they are lucky to be able to move. Bad backs and numb limbs and maybe the additional stress of being an elder or forbid, a pioneer, they are not able to spend their golden years at all. And many have no children because they were admonished that this dying world was too treacherous to bring children into. It's not just sad, it is cruel and evil to the bone to see those who "followed the rules" literally dying with no help AT ALL from the almighty borg.
It seems that those who could take all of the "world is ending" crap with a grain of salt and stray outside the counsel of "God" to prepare for their future and their children's futures are so much better off. It is sickening. Oh and this morning, knock on our door and you will smell the aroma of coffee and bacon, we are spending our weekends doing what real people do - staying home on the weekend and having breakfast with our family. Sigh.
by truthseeker inthis is an in-depth look at the new dvd released this fall.
it is primarily designed for young jehovah?s witnesses; in fact, the whole dvd is geared towards witness youth only.. .
on the front cover there are 8 happy youths carrying school books and bags.
I'm sorry, I can't even read these posts. It turns my stomach watching them continue to brainwash the young to believe that the only thing that matters when you grow up is that you go door to door. No advice on getting a job, how to be sure your family has health insurance, how to make wise decisions in financial matters, or why the WTBS provides NOTHING in a material way for those who are faithful and in need. I'm sure the dvd weighs in heavily with guilt while comparing the life of a boy who lived 2000 years ago to their own; how Timothy didn't even HAVE a computer or a surfboard.
Yup, the way they are going they will be admonishing against using electricity, running water, or automobiles. How about teaching them how to dress for respect? I cannot imagine any other organization that second-handedly owns more pilled polyester suits and ties, or flowery over-sized skirts or dresses. The way they dress does NOT make them blend in with the "professional business world". I am heartened to see that most of the kids I saw grow up in the borg are leaving and they can see the "truth". Remember the 3 monkeys? No hear, no see, no talk?
What a bunch of monkeys.
It might be better to not even have the Internet. April 15th WT
by life is to short inok i was just blown away when i heard this today while driving, at first i thought it was the some old same old but then it went on and it seems like it is on a different level.. the subheading is "guard your heart by exercising self-control.
on page 27 par 17 it says "one way a person could wonder into the foolish course of the "young man in want of heart" is by aimlessly flipping though television channels or surfing the internet.
whether intentionally or not, he might chance upon sexually stimulating scenes.
DO they have ANY idea how many jws have facebook pages? ANY? They are dreaming if they think that their counsel is being followed. Not just on this issue.
Question: How do they know what is on the internet? Holy spirit or a browser of their own?
I sued the local congregation
by chukky 594 inseveral years ago, before my wife and i left, my 5 yr old daughter got up during the watchtower to cross the aisle to sit with someone else.
she tripped on the roving microphone wire and smashed her head on the foot of a metal chair.
the bleeding was profuse and an ambulance was called.
If I could sue for anything, it would be measured in years that I lost and that can never be replaced or compensated for. Years being humiliated, controlled, feeling guilty and inadequate, not allowed to "grow up" and have thoughts and opinions of my own, now shunned by my witness family, and you all know how it goes.
To each his own. No judging.
Do not let work get in the way of pioneering
by life is to short inthe april 15th wt is strange and it just throws things in here and there that are kind of out of sort.
i think it sticks in your mind more like hey i probably should pioneer when they throw things in that are kind of in left feild.. like this example on pages 16 and 17 it is talking about making decisions and in paragraph 15 it says "for example a congregation publisher might decide to pioneer.
will he succeed?
Thank you everyone! You have put into words things that bothered me for years. I am out now for over 10 years after being "IN" for 25. I am constantly amazed at how simpleton I find everything Watchtower to be. At one point I realized that WE were paying the mortgage for the KH which, when paid off, would go to the Borg. And that those who give their lives and are no longer able to attend meetings are forgotten about and left on their own. At least the government (part of satan's system) will end up supporting them to some extent.
LITS said: " This religion has so many free loaders in it, it makes me sick."
And those who are supporting the freeloaders are feeling the guilt of having a job and having to miss some meetings or go out in service. They are never thanked. What do they hear? Jehovah is thanked for taking care of their needs. My parents (non-jw) have financially helped others - many jw - over the years. And what do the recipients say? THANKS TO JEHOVAH... blah blah blah. No gratitude. Period. The givers after all are doing what they "should be doing" and what they "should be doing" is supporting the preaching work.
Time for lunch. Better go before I have the urge to hurl.