I ride. In this thread we should say where we are--Hudson Valley NY
JoinedPosts by pontoon
by harleybear inokay i thought it would be fun to find out who of you all ride bikes and i don't mean bicycles.
we have 2 harley road kings.
what do you ride??
my workmates jw friend of 30 years has deleted her from facebook
by looloo inthis lady is quite new to my workplace and we got chatting and she asked how i met my husband etc ... after i finished telling her of my jw experiances she said i could write a book and i really should !
she said she has a friend who shes known for 30 years and she became a jw about 15 years ago and this friend had recently deleted her off her friends list !
she also said this friend likes to play bingo which she presumed wouldnt be allowed in the religion so had thought it cant be all that strict in that religion !!!!!
LongHairGirl I think you about nailed it. I also am a fader and know I am talked about. I know that as a fader my old circle of JW friends are history, comes with fading, but it is their decision not mine. We just understand how it is, when I/we were in we would have done the same. I don't post on facebook, but when I started my fade I cut myself off from JW's. If anyone calls me up to preach I cut it short, if it is just a shoot the crap call it's all good. If they stop by in a car group with neck ties on, I'm busy, if they are casual or need to borrow a tool or need help, all invite them in and offer them a beer. But none of us should be surprised to loose old JW friends, we know how it works
Wat Farm buried waste
by pontoon inso back in dec. 2011 all this buried waste was discovered at wat farm.
dec starts an investigation.
not even in the local newspapers.
So back in Dec. 2011 all this buried waste was discovered at Wat Farm. DEC starts an investigation. That's it!! Nothing more about it. Not even in the local newspapers. Must be another example of Watchtower damage in action. What do you think??
"we need to help that brother"
by TimeBandit inat the last district convention i went to (2010) i was sitting in my seat during the lunch break.
i was listening to two brothers sitting together chatting in the row in front of me.
they were talking about brother 'so and so'.
Talk is cheap. Brothers most likely did talk about helping you, but following up and doing it is lacking. My old cong was quite spiritual, at elder meetings we were always identifying who needed help and making assignments to do so. Usually what would happen is the elder would contact that person at the last minute, a day or two before the next elder's meeting just so he would be able to say he carried out his assignment, if at all. Probably the same in most areas.
Is their a slackening off / lack of zeal in the witnessing work that I am observing or is it just the area I`m living in
by smiddy inlast saturday i was home with my wife,having a leisurely brekky pottering around in the kitchen ,then i noticed her standing still pondering ,what`s up i asked , wife :i thought i heard someone knocking ,i looked out the window to see two middle aged guys exciting my front drive.why didn`t you tell me they were their,i didn`t hear them.
i would have engaged them in conversation , but my wife doesn`t think i ought to,just let it go ,is her motto.. but my point is : i`m not deaf , and i didn`t hear them at the door , we were both in the front room ,my wife only thought she heard someone at the door only to be proved right observing them leaving i was in my pj`s and dressing gown so was not going to pursue them.
we have been living here nearly 5 years now and i can honestly say they have never been on our doorstep more than 4 times if that , i personally have only encountered them 3 times at the most.
There has always been a fairly good turnout for field service in my territory, close to Wat Farm, but I do know they do not visit me as often as they did. I don't know if it is because they are giving up on me or just a lack of people out there in FS. But about two weeks ago I got a visit from a brother and sister----a most unlikely duo to be paired up together, (I know them both well) and it left me thinking they must have been the only two that showed up for service that Sat. AM. I am so out of touch with what is going on in my old cong so I really can't say for sure, but that was my observation.
Who did you want to meet in Paradise?
by Flat_Accent instep right up!
take your pick of any of the 100 billion or so people that ever lived.
who did you want to meet?
Just would like to be around to hear what Uriah has to say to David
Reduction of Announcements
by wisdomfrombelow instarting the week of september 3rd they will cease having local announcement as part of the service meeting.
is there going to be a much reduction of the letters sent to the congregation?
will everyone be expected to read the bulletin board to know what is going on?
My guess is when they need money for something the no announcement thing will be waived
pay or appeal, what will they do?
by pontoon inof course watchtower lawyer says it's not over yet, we are going to appeal.
thats what they are suppose to say.
but wat is going to want to put this nightmare behind them as fast as they can.
If they appeal and lose it makes it worse. And precident has already been set with victims they've already paid off. Time will tell.
pay or appeal, what will they do?
by pontoon inof course watchtower lawyer says it's not over yet, we are going to appeal.
thats what they are suppose to say.
but wat is going to want to put this nightmare behind them as fast as they can.
Of course Watchtower lawyer says it's not over yet, we are going to appeal. Thats what they are suppose to say. But Wat is going to want to put this nightmare behind them as fast as they can. Writing a check is probably the least painful way for them to deal with this, besides, they got the $$$$. They already have paid off victims to avoid trial, only difference here is they fought it and lost. What do you all think?
How large is Societies legal department?
by puffthedragon ini was just thinking about the wt attack on education and wondered where they would be without it.. does anyone know how large the legal department is at bethel?
is it larger than the writing department?
service department?
I knew Leslie Long. Les passed away about 3 years ago. His daughter also schooled and became an attorney during the time Les was working for the Borg. He lived with his family close to Patterson and they had Bethelite status. I don't know about his other children, a son maybe? Don't know if his daughter ended up working for the borg. She got married so her last name wouldn be different.