Legal chess, thats all. They got the money, but don't want to appear loaded. Back when congregation acconts reports were read we were not suppose to suggest that we were doing financially well even if we were. Circuit Assemblies always run a deficiet or close to it even though they are HUGE moneymakers. Just all part of how they do business, don't show them what we got. I sure the vacant land they own just around Wat. Farm is worth more than $17,000,000. They are not going to lose Patterson, not even close. Are we so anxious to see the end of Wat that we let our imaginations run and make up unlikely and near impossible senarios? By the way Cedars, you are one of my favorite posters, even if I don't agree all the time with you.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
Patterson on the line: Watchtower claims that paying cash bond would cause “immediate irreparable harm and hardship”
by cedars ina new article for those who are interested....
A wife's submission
by Mark_C ini'm relatively new to the faith, and struggle with many concepts and teachings.
i am getting married soon.
part of the teaching i've experienced is that a wife must learn submission to her husband.
Submission probably the only way to give a chance of keeping those arranged marriages togrther
can't make this up
by pontoon inso this 70 something yr old brother, ex bethelite, ex spec pioneer, current pioneer with over 50 yrs of full time service is lamenting he might have to step down as an elder because he is computer ignorant.
i guess the org uses the internet to communicate with elders and having internet access is required of elders.
anyway he's going to dunkin donuts with his wife and he sees free wifi.
This brother's wife is computer literate, began with a three evening course. I know many older ones that are also using and depending on their PC's and laptops. Age in most cases is a weak excuse not to learn basic computing skills. But, like I said, it gave me a laugh, that's why I posted it, not to analize the brother.
can't make this up
by pontoon inso this 70 something yr old brother, ex bethelite, ex spec pioneer, current pioneer with over 50 yrs of full time service is lamenting he might have to step down as an elder because he is computer ignorant.
i guess the org uses the internet to communicate with elders and having internet access is required of elders.
anyway he's going to dunkin donuts with his wife and he sees free wifi.
I just thought the wee fee/WiFi story was funny, gave me a laugh anyway.
can't make this up
by pontoon inso this 70 something yr old brother, ex bethelite, ex spec pioneer, current pioneer with over 50 yrs of full time service is lamenting he might have to step down as an elder because he is computer ignorant.
i guess the org uses the internet to communicate with elders and having internet access is required of elders.
anyway he's going to dunkin donuts with his wife and he sees free wifi.
So this 70 something yr old brother, ex bethelite, ex spec pioneer, current pioneer with over 50 yrs of full time service is lamenting he might have to step down as an elder because he is computer ignorant. I guess the Org uses the internet to communicate with elders and having internet access is required of elders. Anyway he's going to Dunkin Donuts with his wife and he sees free WiFi. So he makes his order and tells the girl he'll take one of those free we fees. Wife had to explain what WiFi is.
2012 annual meeting notes
by lostinthought insorry for the wait guys.... .
part one.
moorse had the opening comments talked about historic annual meetings.. .
So that's it? Living in the most unpreceedented time in human history, deep in the last days and this is all they could come up with? Doctrine about themselves. And any witness even half asleep already knew that the thousands of annointed around the world already had nothing to do with feeding the sheep. I think it's all pathetic.
What Made You Question "The Truth"?
by minimus inin the the early 1970's, i used to enjoy going to assemblies, conventions and hear special talks given by bethel heavies.. in those days, we were believers and we applied ourselves as "ministers" with pride.. once the "end" was obviously not within our "generation", many of us started losing interest.. we started to think more critically.
it took a long time but once you start recognizing the bullsh*t, it's hard to stay in and truly believe at the same time.. .
I'll tell when I mentally tuned completely out. It was during a Wat study at the hall and the article was comparing Jeh to the traits of a rock badger, an ant I think and one other critter I can't remember. Dr. Suess would have enjoyed this one. Guessing it was 6-10 years ago, memory is getting foggy. I remember thinking I woke up on my day off, showered, shaved, dressed, came to the hall to listen to this crap. This is it, the best education in the world? From that time on I don't believe I ever gave another comment or talk. I had already stepped down as an elder. Wish I could remember that article, it was a Wat. classic.
Is there now a HUGE gulf between most R&F and the Elders ?
by Phizzy inthis was a question that sprang to my mind as i watched raypub's (eric's) j.c video.
can't wait for the rest of it by the way !.
it was so obvious that all those on that j.c, like i would think 99.9% of elders , put loyalty to the gb/wt before jehovah, jesus the bible or truth.. they are simply company men through and through.. the average r&f jw seems to me to believe they are serving god, and that comes higher on their list than the wt, you can see this by the way they pick and choose which of the myriad rules they obey.
Why three? Just in case one can't follow through to the end the two left can without bringing in a new man.
Has anyone here threatened or heard of someone threatening suicide at a judicial hearing and didn't get df'd?
by hoser injust wondering?
My ex was DF when she was on a manic hi, then sought the same elders out as she slipped into her depressive low, mentioning suicide for the first time. The elders told me this and I was completely impressed with how completely ill-equipped they were at a very basic understanding of dealing with people suffering with bi-polar or boderline.......disorder. It's sad.
No, I don't live there but I have to go there next month