Even as a child I never believed the pet lion crap. Always expected the borg to change all that nonsense and say it was symbolic. Also used to wonder why Able became a herder of sheep. Why? What for? In fact what were the sheep for? Cain was much smarter growing food. Nancy Drew, well said. Simon, so true, an animal is what it is. Everything about a cat is designed to kill mice. An owl has different tools, but everything about an owl is designed to kill mice. Toss a frog to the center of my pond and it swims as fast as it can to the shore because it knows it's in danger (largemouth bass, frog ain't gonna make it) It's the way it is and the way it will stay whether it all was designed and created that way or it all happened some other way.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
This photo woke me up
by krejames in.
i was already on my way to my second fade when i went to the wildlife photographer of the year 2012 exhibition, but this photo made me lose faith in the idea of a loving creator......(the gazelle has been injured by the mother cheetah so she can use it to train her cubs to hunt).
This photo woke me up
by krejames in.
i was already on my way to my second fade when i went to the wildlife photographer of the year 2012 exhibition, but this photo made me lose faith in the idea of a loving creator......(the gazelle has been injured by the mother cheetah so she can use it to train her cubs to hunt).
Bloody Hotdogs!-----So how did pleasing his heavenly father work out for him?? Actually I remember (feels like 200 yrs ago) learning that after A & E sinned they must have continued to worship Jeh and offer sacrafices for their sins, and taught their children about Jeh. Thats why Jeh let them live so long. Don't know where that speculation came from.
This photo woke me up
by krejames in.
i was already on my way to my second fade when i went to the wildlife photographer of the year 2012 exhibition, but this photo made me lose faith in the idea of a loving creator......(the gazelle has been injured by the mother cheetah so she can use it to train her cubs to hunt).
Remember it EVIDENTLY was Jeh who taught man how to kill. Did Able just dream up the idea to kill livestock to offer up to his humble, loving, bloodthirsty heavenly father? OBVIOUSLY he was not happy with the fruits of Cain's hard earned labor, APPARENTLY he let them know it was blood he wanted and it is REASONABLE to conclude he instructed Able or Adam (and he passed the instuction to Able) how to butcher and bleed livestock for his pleasure
I Want Your Thoughts On This: A 80 Year Old Man Lost His Wife....
by minimus inand within a month, he has been seeing a 69 year old woman who lived upstairs from him.
the wife has been sick for a year and she passed away in october.. now, the 80 year old man is like a teenager with this woman, making out in public places with this woman and introducing her to family and friends as his new girlfriend that he "loves".. the father's family thinks this is weird and are concerned about it.. any thoughts?
Good for him!
by Sittingstraight1212 in2 jehovah will use the kingdom to unify his family in heav- en and on earth.
that divine purpose will be realized.
So who was king previous to the last 100 years? The creator of all things in heaven and on earth, the sovereign of the universe, the almighty, who was king over him before the last 100 yrs?
about the annual meeting-going to be another money maker
by pontoon inhaven't posted in a long time but i just have to say that the borg must really be building this annual meeting up to be a big deal.
talked with my dad and he hasn't had so much enthusastic anticipation since 1975. he said that it was announced that if all the seats are taken you should sit in your car and listen to the talks on the radio.
i told him the rumour was a new nwt revision would be released.
When my dad told me that I just assumed it would be a low power broadcast like they do at conventioms
about the annual meeting-going to be another money maker
by pontoon inhaven't posted in a long time but i just have to say that the borg must really be building this annual meeting up to be a big deal.
talked with my dad and he hasn't had so much enthusastic anticipation since 1975. he said that it was announced that if all the seats are taken you should sit in your car and listen to the talks on the radio.
i told him the rumour was a new nwt revision would be released.
Haven't posted in a long time but I just have to say that the Borg must really be building this annual meeting up to be a big deal. Talked with my dad and he hasn't had so much enthusastic anticipation since 1975. He said that it was announced that if all the seats are taken you should sit in your car and listen to the talks on the radio. I told him the rumour was a new NWT revision would be released. Just think they'll change a few words, pronouns, word tense, plural to singular, etc...... . and millions of witnesses will have to have it. Probably cost .50 cents to print on their toilet paper and will probably suggest 10 buck a copy. Don't forget the excitment of the night will result in stuffed contribution boxes. Have no doubt, the Watchtower Corp are marketing geniuses
Not on JW.org : Any updates on the 5 Jehovah's Witness Elders killed traveling for regional building work? Widows and Orphans OK?
by Balaamsass inservices set for 5 jehovah's witness elders startclickprintexclude endclickprintexclude .
startclickprintexclude story middle ad: on endclickprintexclude pigeon forge (wvlt) - a memorial service has been set for the 5 jehovah's witness elders killed saturday in a plane crash.. craig clark of elizabethton, gerald booth of unicoi county.
randall walp of chattanooga, victor jim osborne of morristown, and.
What happened, you are correct. I followed that case, I knew one of the men that died. The NTSB concluded it was pilot error, with 5 men, some gear, load of fuel the plane could not climb fast enough. NTSB had a estimate how overloaded the plane was. It was a crash and burn.
Not on JW.org : Any updates on the 5 Jehovah's Witness Elders killed traveling for regional building work? Widows and Orphans OK?
by Balaamsass inservices set for 5 jehovah's witness elders startclickprintexclude endclickprintexclude .
startclickprintexclude story middle ad: on endclickprintexclude pigeon forge (wvlt) - a memorial service has been set for the 5 jehovah's witness elders killed saturday in a plane crash.. craig clark of elizabethton, gerald booth of unicoi county.
randall walp of chattanooga, victor jim osborne of morristown, and.
That crash happened YEARS ago. Like maybe 10 years ago.
Memorial trauma-morial!
by Julia Orwell inhaven't been to the kh in a couple of weeks but went to the memorial along with hubby because i'm still in the early stages of my fade.. the speaker gave a really nice talk which was divided into 4 parts: why we need ransom, how it benefits us, who should partake and how to keep benefiting.
i was ok with the first 2 parts cuz he backed up with scriptures.
then the part about who should partake departed from scripture and went into this convoluted thing about how although jesus died for us, we're not to partake because jesus didn't make a covenant with us so we don't partake.
Don't be upset. After Jesus and Apostles had the Last Supper I don't recall one time in the bible where they again met together after Jesus's death to memorialize the occasion. Suppose to be the most important event in the Christain calender, if they did it would habve been recorded. How about Paul? Where is the verse describing his celebration of Jesus's death?