You will also get all your condoms back...
JoinedPosts by TimeBandit
What happens when you play country music backwards?
by usualusername inyou get ya wife back.
ya car back.
ya job back.
king,,,,,,,dumb,,,,,,,hall,,,,,,,,????????How stupid are these mindless idiots?
by witchtowerwitch inafter 130 years of false prophecying,like 20 false armageddon dates,russels witchtower pyramid measurements @1914,,hehehe lol,and every other flip flop teaching,like all of them,like the expanded 1914 generation?come on people,get real with this sxxt ok?then their is the 8th king membership for about 10 years?how can the dubs stay in there and swallow all of this nonsense is beyond me ok?i can't go on about these fools any more,it is just too sad people,to see good hearted witchtowerite like christians being mislead down a road to no where okay?soon the truth about the truth will be seen by all,,,hehehe lol,,,!the only difference between these cultist and the jxxxs compound,is the missing vat of purple koolaid?most of them know that something is very wrong,but they have a social club to maintain,and besides,they all have way too much pride to admit that their teachings are all wrong,and they have infested their whole lives into that church,some over 60 years okay,so to leave now would mean that their whole life as a witness was all for nothing,and that is a reality that they refuse to think about or accept!glad i'm out of there now for over 25 years!.
Really, you're calling everyone here a mindless idiot for having been involved with the nitwitnesses including yourself.
Thank our friends at JW Talk for the Convention Release Scans
by puffthedragon inwell our dear faithful ones at jwtalk have seen fit to provide jehovah's "food at the proper time" earlier to the rest of the world than their governing body sees fit, so to follow are the scans from the convention.. .
dvd front:.
All of it is aimed at CONTROLLING people. Fucking cult.
How an original STAR TREK episode nearly cost me my first JW marriage in its first year...true story I find funny/sad
by oompa inso i'm 21, just married, and raised in my fathers image and thank god he liked sci-fi...a genre i was able to escape to new worlds in.
he even took me to a trekkie covention when i was albout 12 at the greensboro coliseum and it was packed.
we had watched every episode over and over...i thought.
Sorry yer wife treated you like that just for wanting to see a new episode. Even worse that she threw it in your face all those years. I would have swapped her shampoo for some hair remover cream for being such a bitch.
Just joined JWN? This guide will help you. Welcome...
by usualusername inafter 200 posts there are still one or two things i am unclear on.. .
cd we post succinct tips such as:.
posting guidelines.
...and if you are a JW mole looking to incriminate someone from your local congregation we're on to you, so don't even fucking bother...
Long lost brother...
by TimeBandit inmy younger brother quit the family pretty much when he was 16. that's when he left all the jw crap behind.
boy, i wish i had turned and left with him!
over the years i've seen him on and off.
My younger brother quit the family pretty much when he was 16. That's when he left all the jw crap behind. Boy, I wish I had turned and left with him! Over the years I've seen him on and off. There have been stretches where I haven't seen or heard from him for years at a time. The last time I saw him face to face was in 1999.
So about a year ago he sought me out on facebook and we connected again. Previously he had told me one of the last times I talked to him on the phone that I'd have to be happy re-living my memories of him because I'd probably never hear from him again. That made me sad. I was still a jw at the time.
Now, after finding out that I have left the jws, he has become my best friend. We are very close now, and that makes me happy.I used to be cut to the quick about my parents disowning me and all, but I have gained a lot of family since leaving the jws. Family that previously I never liked, or even really knew. Now me and that family have grown very close, celebrating Birthdays, Christmas, and LIFE together. I have lost a lot leaving the jws, but I've gained so much more...
Chris- -
Watchtower Covers We'd Like To See...
by TimeBandit inthis thread is a repository for anyone to submit a watchtower parody they've created.
feel free to add your take on the watchtower.
i'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
I totally forgot to credit Chris Fugue for the thread idea. He's a real photoshop guru and has a thread with the same title on another forum. I figured we could get some fresh ideas for wt covers in a different forum. I truly meant to credit him in the first post, but It slipped my mind. Just thought I'd mention that.
How Does Your Family/ Friends Treat You Now That You Are Not A True Believer?
by minimus inhow do you feel about the treatment?.
@FlyingHighNow : Yep, and I bet the quality of her life and all the fibers of her being would get a zero star rating too.
@flipper : Thanks my friend. I'm sorry your son is getting a raw deal concerning his JW mother. Ya know what, flipper jr has an awesome dad. I've seen pictures of you and your son out camping and it looks like you two get along pretty great. I wish I had a dad like you buddy.
So many of us have it really tough because of shunning. I wish I could give all of you a big bear hug and drink beer together.
How Does Your Family/ Friends Treat You Now That You Are Not A True Believer?
by minimus inhow do you feel about the treatment?.
My parents told me I'm dead. as a matter of fact, my psycho mother even said I am dead in an online profile of hers. I stumbled across it one day. Here's a look at how she feels about/treats me...Straight from her online profile :
One Lord - One Savior : Get Used To It
by Perry injehovah in the old testament and jesus in the new testament are one and the same.. .
3. jehovah is salvation.
5. jehovah wants only himself to be worshipped.
It seems to me I don't need Jesus for anything. He's nothing but a daddy's boy. His pop sacrificed him for all of three days? What's that in Jehovah time, like three seconds? My lord and savior is in a baggie in my stash box....