A reply made to the legal forum at that site:
It is so sad to see families torn up over religion.
The father, worried about his daughter's life, went against the faith and allowed blood transfusions to be given to his daughter. The mother disagreed. The doctors wanting to provide safe medical treatment went ahead on the father's consent.
Since then their religion has now gotten involved resulting in long detailed expensive legal battles. Paid for by whom?? The Father. Here he is now all alone since all his family is now shunning him as well as all those that up to a month ago called themselves 'friends.'
What is he up against? A multimillion dollar printing company (The Watchtower Scoiety) and their free lawyers. Yeah they have an entire legal department at their head office that live, eat and sleep there for free ..kinda like lawyer munks. meanwhile this Father who is just interested in saing his daughter's life has had to sell everything in order to do battle with this Goliath religion. The very one that he has supported for many years.
One very interesting note is how the JW's are so selective in their application of Bible Principles. They are a patriarchal society. The man is head of the household (archaic as it may be that is their strict belief). But yet they trample all over that principle if it interferes with their blood principle. So two obscure passages i the Bible over rule all that is written in the bible about respecting one's parents, subjection to your parents, man being head of the house.
I am not saying I agree with that point of view but JW's do. Yet that belief is forgotten despite the fact that the father's decision in this matter will likely save the girl's life.
I say let the family alone and get the religious organization out of it. They don't really care about this girl. They are just interested in another teenage martyr to put on the front page of their Awake magazine as they have done in the past. I know I was at their head office for many years. I saw this happen far too many times.
If the religion is going to get involved, why don't they offer to care for all legal costs involved rather than trying to railroad and further devastate this family? If they are truly only interested in legal precedent and seeing justice, this shouldn't be a tough call for them.
I wish only the best for this girl and sincerely hope she gets better. Hopefully when she gets older is able to have a family, she may thank her Dad for not letting her life end so prematurely.
Bottomline? Get the religious organization out of it. let the family and the doctors make their decisions without big brother (the Watchtower Society) getting involved