The freedom to come to a logic- and reason-based conclusion (no matter what that conclusion turns out to be)...
...without feeling hamstrung by ideology.
not having to adhere to man made rules and regulations.
not being afraid of maybe “stumbling “ someone..
The freedom to come to a logic- and reason-based conclusion (no matter what that conclusion turns out to be)...
...without feeling hamstrung by ideology.
jehovah can't be your father in this life.
'they [jw members] address him prospectively as "our father.
jesus is not your mediator:.
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...
...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.
maybe i`m a just a bit more impatient than some ,but the govt.
did say they will name and shame those who do not sign up to the redress scheme didn`t they ?
and take away their special priveledges , etc.?.
dubstepped - "Why would you give them yet another chance...?"
To demonstrate that they are bending over backwards to be reasonable and fair, and that the Org has had absolutely every chance to do the right thing, will not, and have therefore condemned themselves by their own actions...
...and when their tax-exemption is finally revoked, they will have zero legitimate cause to whine about "persecution", or (more importantly from the secular authorities' POV) waste the courts' time and money trying to fight the results.
IMO, the folks in charge of the Redress scheme are doing exactly what they need to do...
In addition, the public outcry over CSA has become an issue that democratic nations can no longer ignore, the WTS has presented themselves as a near-perfect subject for an example to be made of (something that occasionally needs to be done), and I'm positive the Aussie legal system knows it.
Not to mention that they also know the world is watching with interest, so their tactics can serve as a template for others to follow.
Big picture, man, big picture.
this concept was leaked here not too long ago, and it was just announced at the next section of the 'annual meeting' on jw broadcasting.
they allude to it being a half hour series and say that it will cover literally every detail in all four gospels in chronological order through the course of all episodes.
they also insinuate that it's the most ambitious project yet (i guess making use of that new media production facility).
The burning questions I want to ask are...
Will the series be filmed in front of a live studio audience?
Will it feature authentic Hebrew-Aramaic dialogue with English subtitles, or classic-50s-Godzilla-style dubbing?
Will it accurately portray First-Century Christians dutifully preaching door-to-door with bags of scrolls?
Will Caleb and Sophia be featured in a cameo?
Will the WTS initiate DCMA takedowns if someone makes a stop-motion parody using Lego?
Will Jesus and his disciples be hot? More importantly, will Mary Magdalene?
Will Satan be portrayed by Tom Ellis, or will he more closely resemble Sparlock?
What roles will the Deafsturbation performers play?
a republican congressman voted his conscience to impeach trump.
the results might surprise some of us.. "my dad's cousins sent me a petition - a certified letter - saying they disowned me because i'm in 'the devil's army' now," kinzinger said in a phone conversation on thursday.
"it's been crazy, when you have friends - that you thought were good friends that would love you no matter what - that don't.".
"Weaponized the internet"... I like that.
working with my brother who is still a jw that jwism is a disaster for it's people and even life threatening by it's rules.
and to live a true free life, the best is to thing to do is leave it..
Or hilariously serious.
I can't quite decide.
the bible exhorts us to “worship the one who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”—deuteronomy 4:24; revelation 14:7.. insight on the scriptures, volume 2 pp 1200-1202. worshipone of the hebrew words conveying the idea of worship (ʽa·vadhʹ) basically means “serve.” (ge 14:4; 15:13; 29:15) serving or worshiping jehovah required obedience to all of his commands, doing his will as a person exclusively devoted to him.
(ex 19:5; de 30:15-20; jos 24:14, 15) therefore, for an individual to engage in any ritual or act of devotion toward any other gods signified his abandoning true worship.—de 11:13-17; jg 3:6, 7.another hebrew term that can denote worship is hish·ta·chawahʹ, which primarily means “bow down” (ge 18:2), or do obeisance.
(see obeisance.
In all seriousness, though, The Judeo-Christian god is portrayed that way simply because the vast majority of human leaders of his worshippers are that way...
...they craved idolization and reverence, therefore God must, too.
We’re “created in his image”, after all.
the bible exhorts us to “worship the one who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”—deuteronomy 4:24; revelation 14:7.. insight on the scriptures, volume 2 pp 1200-1202. worshipone of the hebrew words conveying the idea of worship (ʽa·vadhʹ) basically means “serve.” (ge 14:4; 15:13; 29:15) serving or worshiping jehovah required obedience to all of his commands, doing his will as a person exclusively devoted to him.
(ex 19:5; de 30:15-20; jos 24:14, 15) therefore, for an individual to engage in any ritual or act of devotion toward any other gods signified his abandoning true worship.—de 11:13-17; jg 3:6, 7.another hebrew term that can denote worship is hish·ta·chawahʹ, which primarily means “bow down” (ge 18:2), or do obeisance.
(see obeisance.
“Why does God need to be worshipped?”
The answer is right there in the question.
He’s needy.
i have a few jw relatives who are true believers.
by this i mean, they believe with all their heart that 1914 was the beginning of the last days, that this is the last generation, that we are in the very last of the last hour of this system of things, and that you should obey the governing body even if it does not make sense.
all of them are in their 60s and up into their 90s there is nothing you can say or show them to convince them or even cause a small doubt that the wt is not god organization.
Taking my thoughts to the next iteration, I think we can guesstimate just how many people would stay devoted to the Org right to the end.
Given all the available anecdotal evidence and our own personal observations, I’d say that only about 10-15% of active members are true Loyalists.
And what’s more, on some level the leadership knows this and wants to prune the R&F down to just these.
if your sex is only what you say it is, without any reference to biological reality, .
your race can be only what you say it is, without any reference to biological reality.. .
is this repudiation of science?