Topics Started by 2tone
Dad says hes cutting lines of communication
by 2tone ini'm really pissed.
i havent attended the kingdom hall in several months.
my dad says hes going to stop talking to me.
Haven't attended KH in 3 months...
by 2tone ini haven't attended the kingdom hall in over 3 months now.
it really is a great feeling.
no dreading the thursday night or feeling like your weekend is wasted because of sunday morning.
So when will I stop hating the organization?
by loosie ini have tried to stop hating the organization and all it stands for, but in 7 years i've had to luck in doing so.
i am going to therapy to work this out, but i still hate the wt borg.
i have heard it is bad for you to hate something for so long.
11 terms and con ...
by mP in
site visitors may download copyrighted materials for their personal, non-commercial use only.
by downloading such materials from this site, visitors agree not to post these materials on any electronic network, redistribute them without written permission, or share these materials in exchange for money, even if no profit is involved.
Special Assembly Day 'Let God's Will Take Place'
by mindnumbed inthe entire special assembly day - this is a zipped audio file.
or piecemeal.
Watchtower service bags deemed suspicious in Ohio and destroyed by police!
by dropoffyourkeylee inthis is too funny.
this article appeared in a columbus ohio news website today:.
suspicious bags found in northeast columbus.
Christain terms I never heard of as a Jehoavh's Witnee??
by Butterflyleia85 inis it me or is it i been out to long to remeber but terms like - grace, jesus being immanuel, gospels, epistles.
etc they have a lot of meaning to christians yet all i truly remember is jesus being ark angel, the messiah, undeserve kindness, greek and roman scripture, etc.. .
by TimeBandit ini'm developing an ex jw satire routine of rutherford and russell debating different topics like beards and such.
all i need is to supply an audio track of them debating back and forth, and the program lip syncs with the character and makes him speak.
i can add cool expressipns to their faces while they talk.
What Is Missing From This Picture, 7/12 Awake! p.30
by breakfast of champions infor one, eve is evidently hiding her breasts behind a small hippo..
Latest Awake proves lopping off 16 pages will be no loss
by therevealer init is to obvious that they are working thier butts off to fill 32.