I have had the pleasure of meeting Mariuka and she is a stunning woman. I very much enjoyed reading this post. Another installment...please? The story has a happy ending, does it not?
JoinedPosts by whathappened
Powerfully heart-wrenching experience by FORMER BETHLITE
by Black Man injust wanting to post an experience by a former bethelite.
the first part was just published with the other two coming overt the next couple of weeks.
click the link.
I'm New... and I'm running...
by running_away init's some kind of funny... i was the perfect little ass, even that i never believe it all.. there was something that doesn't sound right... but, i was little, i was with my family, i never believe that my family will make me adopt a cult.
well i get batized in my mid teen years, i was the exemplar, ms at 19, even serve my time at bethel.
get married to a pioneer, start a spiritual family, get my 2 kids.
Welcome to our world. We are here to help.
just got an email from a jw friend
by outofthelionsden inhi guys, so i got an email form an old jw friend that i haven't seen in a long time , i moved away to another state a few years ago.
so she sent me an email to tell me that she found out that i had left "jehovahs organization" and that she has been crying for weeks because she always looked up to me ( i was always that kid that pioneered & always had demonstrations and experiences in the district and circuit assemblies) she said that she's not judging me but that she cant believe i would do that , that i know better and that there is no reason ever to leave and hopes that we wake up before its to late..... i have to respond but i know she wont hear ttatt there deep in, so any suggestions would be appreciated on what to respond.. ( im so heart broken and tiered at this point.
i know she is doing it out of love, she's actually the only person that has contacted me, not even my family has done that.
Desirous od change is correct. You could ruin your peaceful stress free fade. Respond vaguely, do not write anything that could be used against you in an apostasy hearing in the back room of the local kingdom hall.
Can you help me encourage Reopened mind.
by TotallyADD inas most of you know we got a very angry letter from our oldest son.
it hurt her very much.
i feel so bad for her because he attacked her for what i feel was very unfair.
Reopened mind:
I am the mother of a raised in JW. My daughter shunned me also for a while. I am not df'd or da'd, I just was totally honest with her about my knowing ttatt. I was over zealous in trying to get her and my son in law out and they have since stated that as long as I do not badmouth the Watchtower Society, they will see me. I am not allowed to stay the night under their roof, I must go before bedtime and stay at a hotel.
When she first shunned me, I wrote her long heartfelt letters, begging her to reconsider and told her how miserable I was. I was humble and threw myself at her mercy. She had to negociate with her husband these new rules about me not being able to spend the night and that my freedom of speech is not allowed in front of them. I can see them now. I still am afraid that they will change their minds. The Watchtower Society is not letting up on their hatred of anything that exposes their lies. They will one day, I'm afraid, convince them that their lives and the life of their son will depend on shunning me, so I know it could be just a matter of time.
Find a happy life for yourself with your hubby and never give up trying to communicate to your child how much you love them and that even though you weren't the "perfect" parent, that no one has "perfect" parents.
As a mother, you are damned if you do and damned if you dont. You are either to strict or too indulgent. You can never win.
New article on JWStruggle, I wrote re: body language & TTATT
by Gojira_101 inhttp://www.jwstruggle.com/.
Nice artcle. When I told my daughter she was visibly trembling all over. She had tears in her eyes and looked so terribly uncomfortable. She still rejected ttatt. She says she has to "cover her butt." There is no more discussion allowed as she is afraid I will convince her to leave and she and her husband have friends they will not part with, they know their friends will ditch them if they leave the faith.
If Noah had family worship night in the ark...what's your excuse!?!?!?!?!?!
by LostGeneration infunny picture in new public watchtower.
evidently there was a digital camera taking pictures about 3,500 years ago.
noah had family worship night in the ark, so all you slackers have no excuse!
The air in that Ark must have been unbreathable. There was no air circulation, hardly any ventilation at all. All the poop (not to mention the urine), no water to bathe the stinky animals, females in heat, and body odor. How did Noah and his family take baths. They must have smelled rotten also.
Are the JW's the biggest liars around?
by sspo inhttp://missoulanews.bigskypress.com/missoula/the-door-knockers/content?oid=1864206.
just wanted to point out the biggest lie at the end of the article when the jw was asked what would happen if one of his son left the religion.. can someone make it ckickable...thanks.
Love the comments at the bottom. Sounds like a thread on JWN. I would love to share the link to this article on my Facebook Page but I am afraid my daughter will see it an cut me off. I am not allowed to excersize my right to freedom of speech around her. If I say anything bad about JW's she will cut me off she said. I would love for her to see the comments. It will make the dubs think and hopefully it will ring bells that cannot be unrung.
Thanks for sharing this gem with us.
Watchtower CEOs "Take The Money And Run" Big Kingdom Hall Blowout Sale
by frankiespeakin inas the date setting business for armageddon gulibles has a limited financial future due to expectation postponed syndrone, what could be a possible scenerio as membership stagnates and then nose dives?
what happens when they're left with this inevitable forecasting dilema?
will the governing body commission huge blowout sales of kingdom halls telling the r&f that armageddon is so close that they can all meet in their homes and sell their khs sending the money to the corporation to use as they see fit?.
I don't see a way out for them at this point. How much longer can this cult continue to draw in new members? The Rank & File must be getting so sick of door to door, door to door, with little to nothing to show for it.
Nervous / shy following judicial committee
by ekruks ini wondered if anyone else has been rather shy since a judicial committee?.
i have been before more than one on false charges, and since have really struggled not to get incredibly nervous if i have any similar meeting with people, such as a review at work, a job interview, even a visit to the doctors.
i get so uncomfortable, i forget what i planned to say, want to leave, often vomit before such a meeting, forget how to speak up clearly, can't remember my phone number, etc.
I would never give the elders the dignity of appearing befor one of their sham judicial committes. They are a bunch of loser mid level cult members, that is all they are.
We Are Disgusting!
by LouBelle inso this is a follow up to the thread started regarding the contact that some jw family members made through my aunt.
they wanted funds to put my grandmother (phylis) into an all inclusive old age home.
they wanted contributions from my aunt and mother.
Loubelle, I am relieved to hear this was resolved so quickly. You were very upset about this and it turned out just fine.