All of the old folks that were faithful when I was a little girl are dead now. I have seen generations of JW's die waiting. It works for them, what can I say.
JoinedPosts by whathappened
WT November 15, 2013 on
by Gayle inhow can we maintain.
a waiting attitude?
article,,just to wait and wait and wait.
No Natural Affection...
by lostinnj83 inmy latest encounter with my mom has me furious and i needed a place to vent:.
i don't post alot but for anyone who has read any of my posts knows that while i have been struggling for some time, i am still an active jw working towards leaving.. anyway, i got into a car accident yesterday.
fortunately i am well enough to type this up so for that i am greatful.
I am sorry this has added to your trauma. JW's are so robotic.
Off to tell the family...
by Gypsy Sam inthe day i've been waiting for is here.
i'm flying home to see family and some old friends, most of whom are jw.
since learning ttatt a few months back, i came to the decision i would have to tell my parents that we are no longer active and don't have any plans to return.
Thanks for updating us. Sounds like it went relatively well when you think of what could have happened.
Disfellowshiping a pagan practice says AWAKE! magazine
by Rufus T. Firefly inthe [catholic] hierarchys excommunication .
is altogether foreign to bible teachings.. .
the encyclopedia britannica says that papal excommunication is not without pagan influence.
The Watchtower Society has perfected the flip flop.
Fading hurts so much!!
by ILoveTTATT inyet another update on my story:.
for various reasons, i still have to go to all meetings.
(i am looking to change my personal circumstances to allow me to live somewhere else so i can fade easier)... i actually don't mind going to the mid-week meeting since i can comment on the bible reading, and slowly but surely i can introduce little seeds of cognitive dissonance... making it seem like i am super interested in what the interlinear says or that people can actually go and check out the manuscripts for themselves online!
I quite cold turkey, I couldn't stand being inside the Kingdom Hall once I learned ttatt. I am sorry you still have to suffer through those mind numbing meetings.
my first post and some questions
by wallievase inthis is my first post after deciding to finally open an account here after months of 'lurking'.. a couple of issues i want to address-.
i have issues with people who go from being a witness to losing all faith in god or the bible which seems to be the case with some members of this site.
i just don't think you can let any religion change how you view god or the bible.. second-i don't feel the gb are bad people, i think most witnesses including them are misguided by something that has been drilled into their heads since they were little and are actually sincere people.
Welcome, Wallie. You will find your way. Check in frequently and you will learns loads you never knew. It is worth it to learn ttatt.
My August Update
by OnTheWayOut ini don't really have a purpose in this thread, but wanted to share my thoughts and updates.. fading has, at least for now, totally stabilized.
my jw wife doesn't discuss jw things and, as difficult for me as it is, i haven't been discussing anything directly against jw policy.
oh, i slip in comments when she tries to judge people or groups based on her jw training- things like gay marriage, medical marijuana, pedophile news stories.
It is just a matter of time for your Mrs. Something will happen in her social group and eventually her JWism will fall apart.
I see with my daughter and son in law the same thing, it is all social and the religion is just the vehicle being used to cement the friendships.
by Sammy Jenkis inquick little moment of reflection i experienced today:.
i had a buddy back in high school whose younger brother was an acquaintance of mine, we weren't ever really friends but the times we interacted he was alright.. for all intents and purposes we'll call this guy "smitty.".
smitty was an all star jw, super zealous on service, mr. go-to for anything spiritual, completely a johnny-on-the-spot in his congregation, and honestly a person i saw a lot of potential in for the future with the "truth" and life in general.. after i graduated high school i lost touch with his brother and about 3 years later heard a story on the news where his name popped up.
This just reinforces the notion the Witnesses have about what bad things happen out side the pristine doors of the Kingdom Hall. Too bad and so sad.
How to present Kingdom News No. 38....
by Calebs Airplane inkingdom ministry october 2013 page 4:.
sample presentations.
kingdom news no.38 .
The Watchtower Society knows its a numbers game. The more people contacted, the better chance a vulnerable soul will surrender to their cult. Hit as many doors as you can with a cheap little piece of paper and hope for an increase.
Jehovah™ is the greater child murderer
by punkofnice injehovahtm is so benevolent and wonderfully merciful.
so much so he kills children without so much as a by your leave.. .
jehovahtm is surely the greater child abuser.
When we all were attending the Kingdom Hall regularly somehow we just thought to ourselves this was alright because after all, God is love and Jehoavhs laws are perfect. I can now see that is BS. Getting away from the Kingdom Hall does wonders for ones intellect, doesn't it?