He-he-he!!! Love it!
Only problem remaining is how to fill that contribution box.
He-he-he!!! Love it!
Only problem remaining is how to fill that contribution box.
on april 19 at 9 pm edt, pbs frontline will air the silence: frontline investigates church sex abuse in alaska.
through candid interviews with survivors, this frontline report focuses on the abuse by a number of men who worked for the catholic church along alaska's far west coast in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
all told, they would leave behind a trail of hundreds of claims of abuse, making this one of the hardest hit regions in the country.
Another church that has failed the children.
hi, i'm not new here, been lurking forever, just a new poster.
i was a jw for 25 years, did it all,been out now for 7 years, for the most part have healed pretty good.....but some things can't seem to shake.
the thing i'm most regretful of is raising my children in that cult, if i could just re-do that, i think i could be totally over the trauma of the 25 years i was in.
Welcome to the forum and I'm glad to know you made it out with your *whole/doughnuthole* family!
Fortunately for you, the WT was unable to destroy your family.
Some of us are not so fortunate.
a group of business people put their money together and start a casket design business.
they come up with a business scheme that they think will yield the greatest revenue.
they decide to design and manufactor three caskets:.
Typical marketing strategy.
with the continual emphasis that the watchtower places on following and trusting the fds and the gb in particular, one can only come to the following conclusion:.
the watchtower (and the jehovah's witnesses) are followers of a cult that worships the fds and the gb!.
essentially everything in the bible refers to the fds/gb.. everyone must listen to and follow what the gb says.. everyone must consume the "rich spiritual food" provided by the fds and the gb!.
Jonathan dough wrote:
The Jehovahs Witnesses can run from their occult past, but they can't hide. Nor can they sweep these truths under the rug of their New Light Doctrine. Due to such an un-biblical foundation that continued well into the 1920s, it is inconceivable that Jesus Christ chose the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as their sole representatives on earth due to the purity of their faith.
Well said! Very insightful!
On another note, are the jws on this forum counting time with us "Apostates TM "? I wonder if the BOE know where the service time is coming from.
according to an ex-jw who still half-believes in the jws, we're all a bunch of bitter apostates that can't move on.. do you agree?.
Broken Promises wrote:
Santina, you're right in saying that we're holding up a mirror to him. Later in the conversation he got verbally abusive and when I said I didn't appreciate being spoken to like that and that I was leaving the conversation, he called me a jw, lol. He can't accept that ppl have issues with the JWs and that we want to support each other.
All this because I put a link to today's Sun Herald article on my facebook page!!
(and he's a victim of sexual abuse himself - I pointed out to him he should be in favour of people trying to protect children!)
Amazing response from your friend. Perhaps he is coming to terms with his own vulnerabilities and doubts about the JWs. Sorry to hear about the sexual abuse; it’s a painful thing to try and suppress. No matter how hard a person tries to suppress abuse, it still runs one’s life in the background. The whole thing could get quite interesting!
Sizemik wrote:
bitter? . . . I don't think so . . . more like redressing the balance
I agree that upon leaving, a balance must be found. Often that means swinging wa-a-a-a-a-y over in another direction before a balance could be found. Especially true of a religion that sets us up to fail upon leaving.
Nugget wrote:
Apostates are not people who didn't make the grade they are people who had the courage to stand up to a lie.
Well said… I gotta remember that! It's a brilliant statement!
I must remember too, that no matter how much I miss my kids, I am definitely better off outside of the cult. My quality of life has improved immeasurably.
A very encouraging thread!
Geez! What is wrong with the formatting??? I've tried three times to use the quotes styles and different font sizes and when I post my comments, they go wonky...
speaking of the supernatural... if you do not already fully understand the beginning and development of the freemasons you might want to watch this 2005 series of videos (each about 10 minutes or less):.
i realize many of you already know that pastor russell who birthed the jws was a freemason.
so i thought you may find this of interest.. satinka.
the trueone wrote:
Him being a turn of the century religious charlatan does have relevance for it gives a evaluative insight to how and why this organization got started and how and why it still exists today.
So, tell me again why this organization exists...? Lobbying dollars perhaps...?
i ask the question because all of a sudden i am getting bombarded by my mother and other family members to "take my wife's hand and run back to jehovah before it is too late"!!
i am getting e-mail with screen shots of the un website (http://www.un.org/en/peace) stating "peace and security", being told that this could likely be the last memorial celebrated and that the door to the ark will be closing soon.
has anyone else been seeing an up-tick in these "prodigal son" appeals from jw friends and family?
Tenyearsafter wrote:
Has anyone else been seeing an up-tick in these "prodigal son" appeals from JW friends and family?
Can’t say that I have noticed such a phenomenon. My PO brother is the only one who calls, perhaps once a year. But only on official family business. There is no religious discussion. My family is obeying the “disfellowship order” a term used in the Watchtower. Regarding association with disfellowshipped ones, "Satan's influence…will be to cause the other…members of the family to…join…his course…To do this would be disastrous, and so the faithful family member must recognize and conform to the disfellowship order."—Watchtower 1952 Nov. 15, p. 703.
Highlander wrote:
The memorial season, along with current events such as the recent earthquake and unrest in the middle east may be causing some to put in more effort to get us heathens to return to the flock.
Indeed I would hope the recent events make us think. But because I think, I also know the jws don’t have the answers. Change is imminent, but events won’t occur as the jws figure. A world full of jws…? I shudder to think of such an inconceivable possibility. A belief steeped in fear, hate and bigotry will never --- could never --- result in paradise.
Igot2beme wrote:
I have the same sister that comes by on a regular basis (one time a week).
Do you suppose she is counting time? I know that when my PO-brother calls, he is counting time.
Quendi wrote:
One of my close friends who is a JW has been employing the "full court press" with me to persuade me to get reinstated. I've been disfellowshipped for more than five years and told him a year ago that I would cease any and all efforts to return. But it has only been in the last three months or so that he began urging me to return to meetings and particularly to attend next Sunday's Memorial "celebration". He has cited the urgency of our times and how the organization is making an effort to get "lost ones" to return. I am very touched by his love and concern, but my resolve to stay the hell away is firmer than ever.
Like you, the more time goes by, the stronger I feel about keeping my resolve to stay clear of the cult of dubdom. I see this religion as a very sick, destructive, power-hungry and controlling cult. I wish my family would open their eyes and peer through the cracks, which are ever-widening.
Wasblind wrote:
It's a shame to go through life that way, even Jesus said do not get terrified. It would be somethin' If God where to say: all those who didn't enjoy the first gift I gave you, won't get another one wouldn't that be somethin?????? Just the fact that we are alive now is truly a gift. But I'm glad God wouldn't put a stipulation like that on us , cause some people can't help the situations they are in now
I agree wholeheartedly with your comments. I know from personal experience how the JW religion instills in its members such fear. The Bible says Jehovah is “fear-inspiring.” If I didn’t purge such terror-filled beliefs upon leaving, I would have surely self-destructed. Furthermore, any god who would want his/her followers to be fearful is a sadistic being not worthy of worship. Jesus clearly did not want his followers to feel fearful. It has become clear to me that Jesus is loving and does not carry the same “energy” as Jehovah by any stretch of the imagination.
Reopened Mind wrote:
I agree with Outlaw, you're probably on someone's radar. It also could be that more are auxiliary pioneering this month because of the reduced hour requirements (only 30).They need something to do to ease their conscience that they are actually accomplishing the preaching work. So they put you on their radar.
I agree with Outlaw, too. It helped that I moved to another province to get away from the JWs. When someone calls on me now, it is someone who does not know me from Adam trying to sell me magazines.
Reopened Mind also wrote:
Have any of the prophecies of the WT come true in their 130 year history? Why would you believe them now?
NO! All their new light sounds very much like regurgitated “old light.”
LV101 wrote:
it's a business/membership drive --- perhaps the funds are low w/the economy and they need bodies for dollars. of course the brainwashed members are spouting off the scare tactics to get their friends/loved ones back but the good ole boys at the top can't scream out for more moolah so it's thusly cloaked in fear tactics.
Book publishing is taking a hit these days. Funds are always low when conduct defined as “misappropriation of funds” occurs, described in a former thread posted by Farkel at http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/13068/1/Walter-Salters-Letter-4-Newbies. This article speaks of the past president Rutherford. Naturally, Salter was quickly discredited and disfellowshipped by the powers that be as described in this thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/149159/1/The-disfellowshipping-of-Walter-Salter posted by onacruse.
The New York Times reporters who write flattering articles about the JW activity can’t come cheap, either. I know enough about PR to know the jws hire reporters to do just that. The article I refer to is found at http://nyrm.org/2010/05/13/the-most-widely-read-magazine-in-the-world/
Just my 2 cents.
on a recent thread farkel provided a transcript of a letter written by walter salter in 1937:.
in all my years i have never seen the wts respond as vigorously and openly as it did to this event...not even ray franz got this much attention.. as an opener, here is the initial response printed in the wt (this is also a transcript, but .pdf's of the original can be provided as needed):.
Perhaps Barbara Anderson might know what became of Bro. Salter...? She is a woman with amazing resources!
gone for popcorn
according to an ex-jw who still half-believes in the jws, we're all a bunch of bitter apostates that can't move on.. do you agree?.
sabastious wrote:
they were going to die if you didn't "brainwash" them. I'd say you were being a protective parent which is a noble trait.
I keep trying to remind myself of that. Thank you for your thoughtful and kind answer. *sigh*