This thread is a great example of how good this site can be, especially for young folks like you who need advise from people with no ulterior motives. JWN is full of such people.
Don't worry about giving advise out to others... just yet. In time you will be able to do that too. Sometimes though, just telling your own story helps others. There may be other young people reading this very thread who are going through the same thing but are too frightened to speak up. So, you are in a way giving them advice by telling your story and letting others chime in. The issue wouldn't be "out there" if you hadn't the courage to put it there.
I wish you well and hope you do not do anything too drastic. This is a time for you to be careful with what you say and do. Love bomb your mother, even though she is not dealing with you in a mature way. From her viewpoint, she is trying to get your to "come to your senses". She thinks she is "saving" you. Of course, you have come to your senses and it is she that has not, but that is lost on her right now. It may always be.
If you can appreciate her intentions (not her actions) then maybe you can get through this. In time you will be able to move out and make your own life away from a controlling home.
Brock Talon